Learning Component for Products

   The product is highly produced, the services we offer are highly selective in terms of distribution and it is very intensive. The products we have are specialized and they sell in selected stalls so as not to hinder turnover. The nature of demand and location of the customers who want this product are willing and able to travel longer distances so as to be able to purchase the product. It is observable that there are no significant competitors in the market.

Market distribution: We make use of selective distribution and only selling in specialty outdoor supplies shops. Like the places where they sell camping and fishing gear, we are not using the stores of the department.

Channel length: We only have a distributor. So the product goes from us to the distributor and then to the stores outlet. This avoids unnecessary expenses which come with involving of many intermediaries.

Channel Width: Specialty product, new products, high price, not purchased frequently, distinctive product, may include personal selling product because don’t know what it is yet, semi technical and it is limited service. Since most of these are in the exclusive side and only the last two on the intensive we chose the selective
Control and Integration – The activities are controlled by the management which integrates different objectives of the group to make sure that it brings a quality output.

Screening and selecting intermediaries – Most important for us are marketing skills, commitment, facilitating factors. We will have a contract with the distributor. Controlling will be done through written objectives, regular meetings with the distributor, and reviews performance .

Managing logistics – Product made and packaged in Perth then shipped to the Distributor in California who then distributes to the stores. The activities are closely coordinated between the executive and the distributor. This is to ensure that the recipient of the products gets them in right quality.

In future we recommend that the group members apply better methods in our approach of clients. We should share work well amongst the group members to ensure that group members don’t feel over burdened. All members should participate willingly so as to get the best experience possible.


Google online marketing challenge, student’s guide 2011

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