Learning in Organizations

Learning in Organizations

Table of Contents

The business environment has changed greatly and affected organizations. Survival and success in the market relies on learning. However, most people do not want to learn. Most people in organizations assume they are good in learning, but they are not.  For instance, well educated, committed and high powered employees who hold important leadership positions believe they are good in learning. Organizations are not able to address the learning problem as they do not know whether the problem exists.  The companies misunderstand what learning is and how to learn. Thus, they make mistakes when trying to become a learning organization (Argyris, 1991).

There are various insights related to consulting engagement.  First, people define learning as problem solving. They concentrate on identifying problems in the external environment and correcting them.  This makes it hard for them to learn.  Second, top employees in the organization believe that they are good in learning, and this affects learning. In order for learning to persist, managers and workers should look inward. They should reflect on their behaviors and determine ways that they contribute to problems in the organization.  After examining their behaviors, they should change how they behave (Argyris, 1991).

They should learn that the way they define and solve problems causes problems. Third, defense reasoning affects learning even when a person is interested in learning. Managers and employees blame each other people for mistakes.  The three insights have implications for consulting engagement and my career in the future as a consultant. Consultants should not define learning as a problem solving process or identify mistakes from the external environment a will affect their learning.  The insight has implication on my career as I will be forced not to concentrate on the outside environment as this affects learning. I should examine my behaviors and determine how they cause problems in the organization.  I should avoid defensive learning as it hinders me from learning. Instead, I will work together with employees to examine issues in the organization (Argyris, 1991).

I have various strengths that will enable me implement, sustain and leverage the concepts examined effectively (Argyris, 1991).  First, I am able to reflect on my actions and behavior.  This will enable me reflect on my behavior as an employee and how it affects the organization.  Then I will be able to bring change.  Second, I am able to adapt change, and this will enable me bring change in the organization. Third, I am willing to learn. Learning is vital as it enables one to acquire skills and knowledge needed to fit in the current environment. Thus, I do not assume am good in learning as this will affect me. There are also development opportunities that emerged after reflecting on my ability to apply the concepts (Argyris, 1991).

1. Defensive learning- I should learn how to avoid defensive learning in the future in order to be successful.

2. Change- I should be a change agent in the organization. I should be able to bring change in the future in the organization by learning how to implement and manage change.

3. Personality- I should develop my personality as a having a brittle personality affects my ability to solve situations and bring change. Improving my personality will facilitate learning (Argyris, 1991).


Argyris, C. (1991). Teaching Smart People How to Learn. Harvard business review

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