Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Issues

Sexual orientation has been known to occur as a result of psychological and environmental surroundings of an individual. Various theories have been formulated regarding the stage at which imprinting of the behaviors occur as children brought up in homosexual surroundings are more likely to embrace homosexual behaviors. According to kin selection theory, the human population that does not have children is more likely to end up being homosexuals as they often take up the responsibility of providing for their siblings hence the attraction from the opposite sex is reduced. This altruism has been seen as the cause of increased homosexuals as the genes carrying hereditary traits for gay or lesbianism are present along certain family lines (Harvey and Allard, 2008).

 In sexual orientation, bisexuality is considered as a normal relationship between men and women such that individuals of the opposite gender are linked together in a mutual relationship. However, those who engage in behaviors that are different from the bisexual relationship are regarded as having serious problems and society often requests them to go for professional counseling. Over the years there have emerged a variety of sexual orientation some which were not heard of prominently in the past century. The reduced outcome of this orientation is attributed to social and cultural constraints which made such behaviors taboos in their communities hence people tried to conceal such occurrences as much as possible. Lesbianism and gays were especially condemned and frowned in the African culture until recently when people have been requested to accept the behavior as a choice in life (Crethar and Vargas, 2007).

 There are quite a number of problems which are associated with gays and lesbians in society as most people consider them as being abnormal. This is often depicted by the unwillingness of members of such groups to come into the public to declare their sexual orientation. Society had initiated a stigmatization program which was aimed at discouraging anyone who was aspiring to join the group. Such choices were also discouraged by alienating the lesbians and gay individuals from social functions hence they had to seek for ways of making their predicaments public (Crompton,2003).

 Possible solutions for these problems would be persuading the individuals to seek counseling services thus gain confidence in their newly acquired status. Consequently, society should be encouraged to accept the individuals as they are rather than discriminate against them as a way of ensuring that they come out public about their sexual orientation(Wilson and Rahman, 2005).

 Various ways can be used to increase the interaction capacities for gays, lesbians and transgender individuals. Those who are bisexual often tend to regard their counterparts as being inferior hence there is need to caution them against this form of discrimination by incorporating individuals from various sexual orientation groups  in community projects. Consequently the government has enacted laws which recognize the transgender individuals as being normal and part of society hence they deserve equal treatment like the others who are bisexual (Hubbard, 2003).

 This course has increased awareness on the issue of sexual orientation as the individuals are supposed o be treated as equal to other human beings as they share the same rights. Various opportunities have also been created regarding the essence of accepting the choices made by individuals, as well as, modifying the environment to ensure that society has minimal effect on an individual’s sexual orientation (Wilson, 2005).


Crethar, H. C. and Vargas, L. A. (2007). Multicultural intricacies in professional counseling.The counselor’s companion: What every beginning counselor needs   to know. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Crompton, L. (2003). Homosexuality and Civilization. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Belknap Press

Harvey, C. P. and Allard, M. J. (2008), Understanding and Managing Diversity. Prentice Hall

Hubbard, T. K. (2003). Homosexuality in Greece and Rome, University of California Press

Wilson, G.D., and Rahman, Q. (2005). Born Gay: The Biology of Sex Orientation.London: Peter Owen Publishers.

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