Linking Strategy to HRM Practices

Statistical Analytical Software, SAS is a business analytic software and services company since year 1976 and is ever since delivered proven solutions that drive innovation and improve performance by providing customers with undivided attention, to provide the customers with the right information and facts to assist the in making decisions thus providing them with the power of knowledge.

SAS used organizational strategy to envision its future through working against controversial business market. First, its location is in a cool part of northern Carolina, where instead of using the pressure, and competition, work is done methodologically and loyalty counts more than cash (Fishman1998). The company has embraced the practice of generous incentive on its employees hence acquiring a leading position in the software industry with software wizards maintaining the productivity and image of the company.

Five years ago, the company had about 1,900 employees while currently there are 5,400 (Fishman1998). The strategy embraced by SAS on its employees is a high-tech fitness centre providing with recreational activities even during working hours. In addition, employees have their children to enjoy lunch and other activities all for free. This has really worked well upon the company as employees have remained royal and productive for the company making it impossible to have the company run a loss.

The happy and royal employees make customers and the owner happy and with this approach, the productivity has elevated year after year and the customers have confidence in the product making Goodnight the wealthiest man in North Carolina (Leung 2003). Our company cannot not fully do as SAS did in providing employees with unlimited free services because it’s a newly formed company that has not yet picked up well but I believe after sometime in the market, we can be in such or a better position (Leung 2003).


Fishman, C., (1998). Sanity Inc. Fast Company. Retrieved from last updated 1998.

Leung, R., (2003). Working The Good life. CBS news. Retrieved from– last updated on 2003

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