Literature work

Like any other literature work, characters in ‘Eileen Chang-Love in a Fallen City’, ‘Bertolt Brecht-The Good Woman of Setzuan’, and ‘Leslie Marmon Silko-The Yellow Woman’ do encounter some problems in making choices in the way they are supposed to live with their neighbors. A clear example of this is in the Yellow woman where we are made to see that Tayo is suffering from mental anguish. Without any objection, he must actually find some way on how he must overcome this situation which also relates that he must find some means on how to solve the issue of rain where the community has suffered for a given period of time. This essay will actually look some of the ways in which characters are facing some difficult situations and in line with that we shall see if the three works have some important message in the modern setting we are living. Does these works resemble the modernist literature work in any way? This is what our essay is going to consider, (Rojas, 2009).

Table of Contents

Love in a Fallen City

What actually can be said is that love in a fallen city is one of the amazing works simply because it is based between the tradition and modern setting. The characters of the work have some problems in making choices because they are faced with the desire of making their own choice which the old setting does not allow them and on the same time they are supposed to make the literature work somehow modern. Actually we can see that none of the characters is moving to the same direction with the other simply because there are some of minor or major problems such as the class, gender or sometime the aspect of time which creates different directions. According to Chang, women and men in the environmental setting of the work are somehow mixed up with what they call choice make or how they are required to make their own decisions. At any give point neither the men nor the work are in a position to know their exactly duties in the society, what they are required to do and even the respect of relationship is not recognized, (Zarhy-Levo, 2008).

How do they perceive the aspect of love affairs? According to Chang, characters do look the issue of love affair in the line of temporary benefit rather than something which is supposed to be a long lasting mutual benefit. In relation to love affairs, the society and which this work is written actually does not give the entire community some measures on how they are supposed to deal with love issues which translates that the characters do encounter some difficulties when they are faced with those issues and they are required to make sound decisions. Love is the sole theme which brings a lot of issues in the environment setting whereby characters in our setting have different issues which they are required to deal with them although they are not in a position due to different situations which surround the community. We can actually see that unlike other societies, the author of the work actually gives the characters enough freedom although they are unable to utilize it in making their choices. On the other hand, we can actually say that, since the author is seen to have some interest on her work, she writes it in a feminine approach where characters are confused making choice where they are forced to follow the approach of the old days instead of selecting what they are supposed or which relates to the current setting, (Rojas, 2009).

The Good Woman of Setzuan

According to the author, no character or the reader of ‘The Good Woman of Setzuan’ would ever think that this parable would come true. Characters in this work has actually encountered a lot of problems which makes this literature work to be termed as a modern work other than the old one although it was written in the early 1940s. Brain Richardson is one of main characters in our work who undergoes some difficult choice to make the ends of his life meet. Although he is a water seller, he sells the ordinary water where he convinces himself that he will get customers although we get to see that the society knows about his business. Shen Te is one of the characters in our work who goes through some difficulties in her life. According to the author, we are made to understand she is a prostitute who in every way struggles to see if her life can change in any way. What does she encounter in her life?

She wants to live a good life whereby without the money she is not able to do so. We are made to understand that the society of Setzuan are such evil people simply because they only pay a reasonable pay only to such services which means that Shen Te had no other option only to go with the option of entering into that business which is difficult choice for her and many other people in the society, (Zarhy-Levo, 2008).So as to blind the society that she does not work for the service, she is forced to invite her cousin Shui Ta so as to act as though he is the one who married her. This is a bad picture and also a difficult decision which calls for a serious decision in any given approach.  According to her, there is no other option she could had taken so as to ensure that she has a better life like her friends although it is a decision which creates a lot of talks to the society and to her at large. On the other hand, we do have Wang, the water carrier. According to Wang, he is made to understand that the Gods were coming and he should wait for them so that to provide for them with shelter and food. Is this logic? We can actually see that characters in this context are encountering some difficulties and that they are unable to come with clear decisions in their life, (Werlock, 2008).

The Yellow Woman

Tayo is a one of the main characters who bring the aspect of decision making clear in this work. We get to know that he is suffering from mental illness and at the same time he must come up with the solution of why rain has refused to rain. The community on which he is staying is suffering and thus he must know how rain must come back. Initially we are made to know that he encounters some difficulties where by he is subjected to the scenario where his uncle follows some instructions of shooting people to death. On another instance, he is faced with the fear where he is made to see one of his cousins Rocky perishing. These and many other situations are some which makes him undergo some difficulties of making his choice in life. This is one of the important literatures in our life which creates several questions of how we are to deal with such situations and since we must struggle to make our ends meet, (Werlock, 2008).

What about the issue of the drought in the society? From the miserable situations which are facing the entire community, we get to see Tayo going into guilt situation whereby he is made to make some prayers so that the rain can come back. Similar to him is his childhood friends who are faced with same problems. What is the problem of Betonie of the major character in our work? We actually know that he lives in a mythical world in that he performs some magic where he claims that to communicate with the spirits. Some of difficult decisions he encounters is where to get patients simply because for his work to continue, there must be some needy people who want his services although we get to know that people are moving from tradition ways to the modernist, (Zarhy-Levo, 2008).Relating the above work to the modern setting, actually there is a lot which we are able to get simply because characters in the work are behaving in a manner that they want to abandon the old ways of doing things.


Rojas, C. (2009). Rethinking Chinese popular culture: cannibalizations of the canon:          Taylor & Francis

Werlock, A.P. (2008). Facts on file companion to the American short story: InfoBase        Publishing

Zarhy-Levo, Y. (2008). The making of theatrical reputations: studies from the modern       London theatre: University of Iowa Press

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