Magna International’s Press Release


Magna international is one of the fortune 500 companies and it is a market leader in the design, development as well as manufacture of systems of an automotive nature, components and various designed modules. In this text, I look at the company’s various press releases and their general context and what was accomplished in the communication as well as their relationship with each other. I will also look at whether the company sent a consistent coherent message.

Magnum International press releases

These press releases were issued on the same day, that is, May 13th 2010 and they were addressing two different occurrences.

The context of the press releases

The first press release was branded “Magna Seating wins two 2009 ford world excellence awards”. This press release was all about communicating to the public on an award which had been bestowed on Magna seating, an operating unit of Magna international, by Ford Motor Company. These awards dubbed “2009 gold and silver world excellence awards” were honoring Magna seating for its having exceeded the standards of Ford Motor Company in terms of cost, technology as well as quality amongst other benchmarks. The second release was dubbed “Magna exteriors and interiors receives multiple awards from Toyota Europe”. This press release was designed to communicate to the public of Magna international feat in emerging as a winner having three awards from Toyota Europe supplier awards. Magna exteriors and interiors is an operating unit of Magna international and it was being recognized for its demonstration of excellent performance in matters to do with quality as a supplier

What was accomplished in the communication

The two press releases accomplish several things. First Magna International was proclaiming its leadership to existing customers as well as to its potential or would be customers as the best and most reliable when it comes to innovation and quality.According to Harrison (2000), press releases can also be used as a competitive tool. In this case they instill fear in competitors or would be competitors by showing that magna was still ahead of the pack in terms of service delivery and product innovation as well as continuous improvement. The press releases also act as a vital advertising g tool for the potential market out there. In these press releases, Magna international has a section with somewhat detailed information about both Magna International as well as its other operating units. Press releases are a form of marketing tool (Armstrong et al 2010).These press releases are related to each other in terms of content. They both communicate an awards being bestowed upon Magna International though the award giving occasions are different as well as the awards themselves. They also both serve to introduce Magna and its operating divisions to prospective customers by describing the company and its division’s areas of expertise.

The consistence and coherency of the message

It can be said that both the press releases were coherent and as well as succeeded in what they wanted to communicate in a clear, precise and a well thought out manner.


Press releases have been cited as being specifically designed in such a way so as to attract favorable media attention and provide coverage or publicity for a company’s products. Magna International’s press release is no exception.


Armstrong, G. & Kotler P. (2010). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall

Harrison, S. (2000). Public relations: an introduction, 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning EMEA

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