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The shows selected are The Rocky Horror Glee Show and Crash into meThis paper seeks to establish both the similarities and the differences between these two television shows as well as giving a brief description of the various traits that they have depending on whether they have mainstream traits and cult or quality aspects of television shows.

Mainstream Television

Mainstream television has a variety of traits. First of all, it portrays ignorance. Moreover, the characters portrayed in the show or the theme is under the influence of the society and media. The other trait is that the characters portrayed in mainstream television are rather static where they are too absorbed and fail to see past their own ego. Also the number of casts in mainstream is usually small mostly as a group. Therefore, based on these qualities, none of the show passes to be termed as mainstream.

            Quality Television

Among the notable aspects of Quality television programs, is the fact that they exhibit high production values and naturalistic performance styles. Also they tend to have average number of casts ranging from eight to about fifteen and recognize use of appropriate and original music. The other feature of quality television is that it tends to bring out more serious themes instead of representing the superficial events of life. The Rocky Horror Glee Show can be termed as quality television as it includes only ten casts as well as the use of original music called Glee: The Music, the Rocky Horror Glee Show that was released on October 19, 2010. Crash into me is also quality television as it brings out more serious themes for instance the part Meredith works hard in order to save a paramedic trapped in an ambulance.

Cult Television

Cult television symbolizes a particular subculture and usually has a large number of casts who exhibit complex counter stereotypic traits. Consequently cult television usually tries to appeal to nostalgia by encouraging viewers or fans to immerse themselves in a within a fictional world or state due to its possession of multiple story lines. The Rocky Horror Glee Show can be classified as cult television since it is associated with the culture of transsexuals who are considered as outskirts in several cultures and communities.

In conclusion, based on their major traits, Crash into mefalls under quality television while The Rocky Horror Glee Show falls under both cult and quality television.

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