Management of pain in post-surgical patients

Management of pain in post-surgical patients
Research Question: Do gender and age change a patient’s tolerance to pain after surgery?
Purpose: Determine if a more proactive approach to pain management is necessary at different ages or in different genders.
Hypothesis: Middle aged men will need more pain medication to control their postoperative pain than women or men of younger or older ages.
This would best be determined by performing a cross sectional study. The population to sample for this study would be surgical patients. This would include patients of all ages and genders having various types of procedures. It would need to look at patients only during the recovery period in the recovery room. Once the patient is discharged or roomed, the study will cease for that patient.
Determining if a particular population will require more pain management during the initial postoperative period will help nurses and physicians preemptively treat the patient to alleviate some of their pain. The surgeon could introduce increased local anesthetics to the surgical site and the anesthesiologist could also introduce increased medication to block the pain sensation so it would last for a longer period of time. The physician would be able to write a script for higher dosages or higher quantity of pain medications and the nurse would have access to higher dosages or increased frequency of ordered medications.


Question 1.
-Answer Question or Post
-200 words + (Response to each question must be at least 200 words or more)
-Citation and references required

Question 2.
-Answer Question or Post
-200 words + (Response to each question must be at least 200 words or more)
-Citation and references required

Question 3.
-Answer Question or Post
-100 words + (Response to each question must be at least 100 words or more)
-Citation and references required


1. (Answer question, 200 words, citation and references required)
Applying knowledge – Week 2
(Respond to Question)
Topic (Management of pain in post-surgical patients)
-Suggest a research question, purpose, and hypothesis.
-What population and sampling methods are most appropriate for a research study?
-What type of study would you develop?
Explain your answer.
2. (Answer question, 200 words, citation and references required)
Research planning and design – week 2
(Respond to Question)
Which element of research planning and design—theory, practice, or research—is most relevant to your job?
How might you integrate the less relevant elements into your job? Support your answers with specific examples.
3. (Answer question, 100 words, citation and references required)
Applying knowlege – Week 2
Re: Study type
(Respond to Post)
Management of pain in post-surgical patients-
Research Question: Do gender and age change a patient’s tolerance to pain after surgery?
Purpose: Determine if a more proactive approach to pain management is necessary at different ages or in different genders.

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