Manpower and Demographics


The current health care is spending a lot than expected simply due to some problems that can be handled when clear intervention is implemented. In her writing, Catherine Arnst develops several ways on which the government with the help of health care industry may use in slashing down the high health care spending. Health care organizations have been implementing the ten ways developed by Catherine Arnst in helping reduce health care spending. This essay discusses on three ways on which the organization has used in addressing the issue of cost.


Healthy workforce

My employer has been among individuals who are in the issue of addressing health care cost. Different ways have been developed on cutting costs and in the same time improve services for the patients. In this case, my employer has selected some ways on addressing the issue. In the first place, a healthy workforce has been developed by the organization. The organization has experienced service providers who are able to provide health care services to patients in the right way. In cutting cost on health care, experienced workforce is required in order to provide exact services without developing trials on what the patient might be suffering from, (Lavizzo-Mourey, 2009).

With a healthy workforce environment, the society becomes informed on different health care aspects that save their spending. The organization has developed some health wellness programs that help individuals respond well to their health needs, (Arnst, 2009). Research shows that organization that offer health awareness programs help reduce the number of patients who visit health services simply because they aid individuals in looking after their health matters. The healthy workforce system that has been developed has in depth assisted quality health care services to the society. As a manager, I would develop a healthy workforce system that addresses all health issues of the society. A good workforce program should ensure that healthy services have been offered and delivered to the society in the right, (Wong, 2009).

Stopping infections in services

The organization has established a system that helps patients get the right health services. It has been discovered that most patients develop some infections when they are undergoing treatments. Some hospitals are unable to provide the right healthcare services to patients, and that is the reason why there is increase in the number of deaths recorded in a year.

In order to control the level of infections that raise the cost of health care, the organization has established some strategies that ensure that patients have been offered the right services when in the organization, (Lavizzo-Mourey, 2009). All that might cause infections on the hospital has been addressed in the right manner. Incase of cloths and foods offered to the patients the management has established a system that ensures that they are in the right condition for patients who get help there, (Arnst, 2009).

This has assisted in reducing the level of infections, and, as a result the cost of spending on health care is minimized. In this organization, all healthcare providers are required to be clean and always clean their hands when handling patients. Since the system was established, it has been discovered that the level of infections in the organization has significantly reduced. This has on the other hand, assisted in slashing the cost of living. As a health care manager of a given organization, I would ensure that all the healthcare service providers are infectious free when handling patients. In order to ensure there are infectious free, there are simple strategies that should be used like cleaning up hands when providing treatments and keeping the health environment ever clean, (Wong, 2009).

Use of family doctors

Coordinating with family doctors is one of the most important aspects of slashing down the health care cost. The organization has been in the process of using family doctors when providing health care services to patients. It is known that in most cases patients suffer from different chronic diseases. As a result, they opt to have different doctors who provide them with services. It is dangerous for a patient to get all those services without doctors communicating. In order to provide the best healthcare services, the organization has been working with doctors of the patients so as to determine the type of attention to provide to the patient, (Arnst, 2009).

As a health manager, I would closely work with patients in getting information on their healthcare information before they are given any health care service. A primary doctor always keeps the record of the patient thus it is easy to track down the condition a patient might be suffering thus provide the relevant healthcare services. In conclusion, the amount of money spends in healthcare activities are expected to double in the future if the issue is not addressed in the right manner.


Arnst, C. (2009) 10 ways to cut health-care costs right now. BusinessWeek, Retrieved from,, on 8th July 8, 2012

Lavizzo-Mourey, R. (2009). The Road to Reform. Retrieved from, on 8thJuly 8, 2012

Wong, V. (2009). How hospitals can slash costs (slide show). BusinessWeek, Retrieved from,, on 8th July 8, 2012

Optional Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (2008). States Moving Toward Comprehensive Health Care Reform. Retrieved, from,, on 8th July 8, 2012

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