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Job outline is the most sense in tradition which is concerned with the programs I high schools students. It has helped the students to have a choice on college programs and the career they are likely to choose. The job shadowing is also utilized in colleges where students sometimes go for attachments which help them to have experience on their field of their specialization.  In work shadowing there is a shadower who is supposed to observe and pursue the professional on the daily job. In work shadowing programs it involves the following steps; school are required to publish a list of job outline (available) positions with in sequence regarding work description, work codes, work availability and special needs.

There must be actual work shadow, students should also fill the medical authorization, students resume, incase of emergency they should also provide their contacts. The work shadowing helps one to acquire employment. Employees and employers get the benefit from the work shadowing. In this case the company will retain the non performer’s workers because they are going to job shadow to help improve the skills that they have.


Integrative is compromise strategy where parties collaborate to discover the best (win – win) answer to their disputes. The strategy usually focuses on the development of commonly beneficial agreement based on the significance of the disputants. The interests of the strategy include the desires, fears and the needs crucial to each face. They are usually including the essential reasons why citizens become involved in argument. Integrative is termed as the potential for both parties with combined interests to create enlarge joint and value in a pie. The integration exists due to the numerous issues in the negotiation. Negotiation refer to a process which involve individuals who have opposed and shared interests and want to have an agreement, in trying to have some settlements (Johnson, 2000).

There are obviously two types of negotiation which the following; integrative and distributive in empirical study which focus only on the distributive negation (Moore and Curhan, 2000). In integrative cooperation there is ladder need to be followed. The must be some explanation on the integrative negotiations, since integrative cooperation is disconnected from the theory, it must be placed in theoretical construction that help to clarify the illuminate and the nature operational events practitioners which can be used. The interdependence theory for social construction helps in understanding integrative discussions. In the integrative discussion there must be specific measures for being used in the discussion which is not validated and specified in research.

Finally, the integrative discussion has its limitations on its scarcity. This means the research mostly done lack the information in integrative discussion and common interdependence. The information lack, because of the participation of students, conducts of psychological laboratory. In summary the key ladder involve; to define and recognize the problem, to appreciate fully the problem that is identifying the requirements and the interests on each side, have option solution and evaluating and selecting the alternative.

In identifying the problem use way that will be mutually accepted in the both side, one should also the dilemma with an eye toward virtually and fullness. Also state the dilemma as a main goal and find way to achieve the goal, depersonalize the dilemma and finally separate the search and dilemma definition to have an answer. The most challenging step is evaluating and selecting the alternatives, one need to take his time by cooling down. One must know the ways (different) on how to logroll, one should also develop differences in risk and expectations preferences and keep conclusion tentative in a condition way until the closing proposal is absolute. The person must minimize rule, evidence keeping waiting for final agreement to be closed.

Integrative cooperation Vs Distributive cooperation

Negotiation can be seen in two forms that is; integrative disagreement and distributive outcome which is an aggressive strategy that can be used on decision of distributing the fixed reserve among two negotiators so that there can be a winner and loser. In distributive negotiation, the parties try to safe and sound the most benefit for themselves lacking considering the other gathering (john W. and Roy J, 2000). The integrative cooperation is crucial because it produce a satisfactory result for both parties compared to distributive cooperation. The difference between the integrative and distributive negotiation involve;

Distributive cooperative is an aggressive in nature because it requires each party to view extra party as also an opponent while in the integrative negotiation the parties are so close when dealing with the negotiation. In distributive cooperation intensify the conflict further while in integrative cooperation it is referred as a conflict tool for management. The win – win event is done in integrative cooperation while the win – win event is done in the negotiation of distributive. In the distributive every person aim on meeting the personal interest while the integrative focuses on the individual interests of the both parties.

The research has indicated on idea of vulnerability cognitive concerning the depression. Depressive at danger and non depressive participant unscramble sentences which may lead to positive and depressive announcement. The manager gives the employee the cognitive consignment. The outcome shows that without the consignment at the participant will obviously indicate little facts of depressive thought, producing a similar announcement. The research has indicated that the cognitive is connected with mental state, physical activities are also connected with the cognitive especially to students in college and elderly people. Women with more physical activities level have seen to less cognitive which is likely to at twenty four percent.

Cognitive utensils are computation and mental devices that guide, support the thought on students.  The cognitive help the students especially in enlightening psychology premise for the intellectual capacities. It may be used to serve as enlarge a person region of proximal maturity, which is the limit of the student to demonstrate the manager. In our case the employee is likely to be affected mentally because mental state is a suggestion on person mental fitness. Mental state is crucial and every individual should be careful on other partner mental state. This is said to be a kind of process and state that is unique in a way to thought and feelings beings.


Fawcett J. and Kahn A.P. (2008). Mental state and cognitive – united state of America

David M. and John R. (2002). Distributive negotiation and integrative negotiation – HarvardUniversity press

Moore and Curhan. (2000). Job shadowing –Ferguson, New York

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