Mid-Atlantic Colonies and New England

Mid-Atlantic Colonies and New England

There are numerous attributes that serve as the basis of assessing the differences between New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. For the New England, commerce is the most crucial attribute that defines the character of the region. Although this region’s landmass is significantly small, it hosts millions of people. This is because of the robust economy of the New England Region (Bulliet, 2008). In contrast, ethnicity is the most pertinent attribute in defining the character of the Mid-Atlantic region. This region has extensive ethnic diversity since it hosts diverse cultures from all parts of the globe.

The English colonies have a significant advantage in terms of industrial advancements compared to French and Spanish colonies. The English people have tremendous value to infrastructural development. This perspective is evidently clear even in the modern world. However, the situation is different with the Spanish and French colonies. In these regions, emphasis is on community and family life. The development of commercial activities in the English colonies is rapid. However, this is not the case with the Spanish and French colonies. In the latter category, cultural development is evident because of the rich traditions of the Spanish and French people (Bulliet, 2008).

Another aspect that highlights the difference in the two categories is the interactions with Native Americans. In English colonies, they interactions with Native Americans were calm because of language similarities. However, the Native Americans were relatively hostile to the French and Spanish people because of language differences. Settlement patterns also help in highlighting the differences between both categories of colonies. In English colonies, the settlement patterns were dense. In contrast, sparse settlement patterns were evident in the Spanish and French colonies.


Bulliet, R. (2008). The earth and its people. Mason, OH: Cengage   Learning

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