Mission Statement: Virgin Atlantic

Mission Statement: Virgin Atlantic

Virgin Atlantic (VA) is a commercial airline that operates in the global aviation market. VA mission statement is to “establish a profitable carrier where traveler love to fly and employee love to work” (Virgin Atlantic, 2012).  VA’s mission communicates the goal of the firm in a precise manner. The first portion of the statement indicates that the goal of the organization is to become profitable. The second part of the statement communicates VA’s promise to the customer. The goal of the firm is to establish a career where customers love to fly. The organization’s mission establishes a clear connection between profitability and customer satisfaction. In order for VA to achieve profitability, it must demonstrate the ability to satisfy its customers (Virgin Atlantic, 2012). VA’s mission also establishes how to fill the gap between services offered and customer needs. VA’s mission indicates the role of employees in ensuring customer satisfaction. The final section of the mission statement communicates VA’s intention to establish an inspiring working environment. This is an indication of VA’s strategy of delivering customer satisfaction by ensuring the satisfaction of employees.

VA’s mission addresses the current conditions of the market. The business environment has become extremely competitive, and thus organization needs to find a strategy that will provide them with sustainable competitiveness (My Strategic Plan). VA’s mission indicates the company’s intention to establish a competitive advantage by ensuring customer satisfaction, as well as, employee satisfaction. VA’s mission reflects the airlines strengths. The company has the necessary resources to ensure quality experiences for both customers and employees. These include; state of the art airlines, superior technologies, finances and many other resources (My Strategic Plan). Managerial competency is also a key strength for the organization. This strength has been a crucial force in enabling the organization to fulfill its mission. The mission is also simple and clear, making it easy for people to understand.


My Strategic Plan (n.d). Developing your Mission Statement. December 17, 2012. https://mystrategicplan.com/resources/mission-statements/#Defining%20Your%20Mission

Virgin Atlantic (2012). Our Mission Statement. December 17, 2012. http://www.virgin-atlantic.com/en/ke/allaboutus/missionstatement/index.jsp

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