Motivation in Soccer Players

Motivation in Soccer Players

The Pressure in Penalty Shoot-Outs

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Scholarly journal: Jordet, G. & Hartman, E. (2008). Avoidance motivation and chocking under pressure in soccer penalty shootouts. Journal of sports & exercise psychology. Vol. 30: 450-457

This is a scholarly research conducted by Jordet Geir. Jordet works with the department of coaching and psychology in the Norwegian school of sports sciences in Norway.  He is also actively involved at the centre for human movement sciences in Netherlands.  On the other hand, Hartman works with the centre for human movement sciences.  The research study focuses on the relationship between shot valences, avoidance habit and player performance during penalty shoot outs. Data collection involved videotaping penalty shootout in the world cup, European championships and UEFA champion’s league.

The research findings indicate that the avoidance habit, where the shooter looked away from the keeper or shot at the keeper quickly resulted to more negative results than positive results. The article also finds that the avoidance adaption explains why professionals tend to perform poorly in games that are considered of high importance. The research study as well as the findings. The authors take an objective look at the impact of avoidance approach in explaining poor performance in players. The study results can be used by soccer teams to establish appropriate preparation strategies hence avoiding choking behavior during matches.

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Source: Google Scholar

Scholarly journal: Jordet, G. & Hartman, E. (2008). Avoidance motivation and chocking under pressure in soccer penalty shootouts. Journal of sports & exercise psychology. Vol. 30: 450-457: 12th Nov. 2012

Motivation and soccer players, motivation in soccer, achieve motivation, dread, football

Flow and Performance in Soccer

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Scholarly journal: Bakker, A; Oerlemans, W; Slot, B; & Ali, D. (2011).  Flow and performance: a study among talented Dutch soccer players. Journal of sports and exercise. Vol. 12; 442-450: retrieved on 12th Nov. 2012

The authors present a research study that examines the relationship between environmental resources and performance in young and upcoming soccer players. The authors are affiliated to Erasmus University, Rotterdam, House of performance, Utrecht and Jacques Necker in Utretch, Netherlands. The author engaged in a non experimental study that involved self and coach rated reports on environmental resources. Environmental resources refer to aspects such as autonomy, social support from the coach and feedback on performance. The authors engaged soccer players in question response exercise regarding the environmental resources.

The findings of the research reveal that motivation and flow of the soccer players is high, if a match ends up in a draw or a win. However, motivation and flow goes down if the result of a match is a loss. The research is objectively done though the sample was purely based on Dutch players. The authors goes ahead to illustrate the research merits and demerits. This allows others researcher to look at the extent of the study and fill in any potential gaps and limitations that the authors experienced.

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Source: Google Scholar

Scholarly journal: Bakker, A; Oerlemans, W; Slot, B; & Ali, D. (2011).  Flow and performance: a study among talented Dutch soccer players. Journal of sports and exercise. Vol. 12; 442-450: retrieved on 12th Nov. 2012

Autonomy, flow, performance, performance feedback, soccer, social support

Motivation and Competitive Soccer Players

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Popular publication: Mas, A; Palou, P; Gili, M; Villamarin, F; Sousa, C. (2010). Commitment, enjoyment and motivation in young soccer competitive players. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. Vol. 13(2); 609-616; retrieved on 12th Nov. 2012

The authors of this popular publication are affiliated to the University of Las Islas Baleares and the University of Autonoma de Barcelona in Spain. The popular publication discusses the self-determination theory in relation to sporting behaviors. Specifically, the paper looks at the relationship between commitment and motivation of youth sport. After a series of studies with motivation scales and sport commitment questionnaires, the authors establish that, it is possible to determine the Amotivation, extrinsic motivations an intrinsic motivation of the soccer players.

The findings of the study reveal that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play a vital role in motivating the players and ensuring that they remain committed to the game. Amotivation on the other hand had negative consequences towards enjoyment and commitment in sport. Unlike most authoritative papers, this publication is subjective as the authors empathize on the development of intrinsic motivations only.

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Source: Google Scholar

Popular publication: Mas, A; Palou, P; Gili, M; Villamarin, F; Sousa, C. (2010). Commitment, enjoyment and motivation in young soccer competitive players. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. Vol. 13(2); 609-616; retrieved on 12th Nov. 2012

Commitment, enjoyment, self determination, motivation and soccer, younger soccer players and motivation

Fan Racism in Soccer

Source: Google Scholar

Government publication:  Ryan, M. (2008). The European Union and fan racism in European soccer stadiums: the time has come for action. Florida journal of international law. Vol. 20(3) on 12th Nov. 2012

The author is affiliated to Wake Forest university school of law and the University of Maryland. The author writes an internal law publication on the occurrence of racism among fans in soccer stadiums.  The informative writing begins with details on fan racism and how it negatively affects the spirit of sportsmanship among participating teams.  The journal also reviews the negative impact of fan racism to players in terms of motivation and morale. The author is quite objective in his writing focusing on different levels of football. They include; the UEFA, national associations, leagues, and clubs. The author also looks at how the EU is making efforts to increase its efforts in governing sports and manage spectator racism.

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Source: Google Scholar

Government publication:  Ryan, M. (2008). The European Union and fan racism in European soccer stadiums: the time has come for action. Florida journal of international law. Vol. 20(3) on 12th Nov. 2012

EU and racism, solutions towards fan racism, anti discrimination in soccer

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