Who Moved my Cheese: Lessons

Who Moved my CheeseLessons

Who moved my cheese is a book that talks about how individuals should embrace change in their lives. Change is inevitable in anybody’s life so instead of resisting it, one should embrace it. This is the message that the book who moved my cheese tries to pass to readers. The author of the book shares the hurdles that he has encountered in life. He mentions that despite all the challenges and problems he emerged victorious and had a positive outlook of life. The author decided to share his experience by writing this book (Johnson, 2010).

The cheese described in the title of the book refers to any desire or ambition that one hopes to achieve in life. If one’s ambition is to complete his education, then that is his cheese. One may have to face various challenges to  reach his cheese i.e. completion of education. The challenges that one may encounter symbolizes the movement of the cheese.

The book informs readers on the need to face challenges with positivity so as to attain one’s goals. It is vital that one strives to  move his or her ideas of cheese. If,  for instance,  one strives to get a college degree and he finally gets it, he should strive for a higher academic achievement. One should be flexible enough to adopt to change. If an organization introduces a new technology, employees should resist the change as it is just the cheese that has been moved.

Who moved my cheese is a book that tells the story of four characters: Sniff, Scurry, Hem and haw. Sniff can detect imminent change; Scurry is swift to act on change; Hem vehemently denies  and resists change and Haw accepts and adapts to change will the knowledge that it will result to positive occurrences in his life (Johnson, 2010). In life, it is easy to identify with any of the four characters in the story. Sometimes we set goals in our lives, when we attain then we get comfortable and overlook the fact that that there is a time when moving the cheese will be inevitable.

One example is a man’s mission to find love. The man may desire to find an ideal woman who would make a perfect wife and a mother to his future children. After a series of unfortunate experiences with love, he finds the ideal woman. She is independent, mature but with one flaw she is disrespectful. Efforts to help her change prove futile. This is a scenario where the man has to move his cheese. He has to let go off the woman he loves and look for another one. Letting go off a woman one loves appears difficult as one may imagine it would be difficult to find a better option.

Another scenario is when loses a well paying job that he had struggled to acquire. Other than being bitter at the lay off. The individual should look at it as a chance to find an alternative career. Amazingly accepting change open up other opportunities that one would not have realized had he not moved the cheese. Changing one’s beliefs is one way of changing what one does. Changing the perception that the job was the ultimate career will enable one see other alternative career choices that are available. Overall, the story on who moved my cheese is about accepting change and enjoying what it bring to one’s life.


Johnson, S. (2010). Who moved my cheese? Retrieved from http://www.magnacad.com/printables/whomovedmycheese.pdf

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