My External Motivations

As an applicant for the course of ‘Business finance’ in your institution, I am confident that I will find the course enjoyable and helpful. Apart from your institutions impressive record in academic excellence I am motivated by a range of factors to enroll for the above mentioned course. Below are some of my main motivators.

My external motivations

In a recent study, it was noted that rewards and promotions are increasingly being based on an individual’s education level (Shields 2007). I hence decided to pursue the course to remain relevant at my work place. I have also noted with concern that it is increasingly becoming difficult to navigate today’s world without a degree. We have had countries like Dubai recently banning non-degree holders from a certain country from visiting. You never know where the trend will catch on next and whom it will affect. I am confident that completing a degree especially from a reputable college like yours will place me head and shoulders above the rest of the populace in terms of better prospects and insulation from current global trends.

My internal motivators

I am planning to retire early and start my own company after several years of service to my employer. With that in mind, the business model I want to pursue requires a lot of knowledge on financial management and accounting. By pursuing this course, I will hence have the required hands-on skills to manage my business. Secondly, finance has always been a subject I relate to from an early age where I was constantly exposed to the family business. Am hence confident that I will be considered for admission in your institution and this will go a long way towards enhancing my effectiveness and ensuring that I fully meet my objectives. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Shields, J. (2007). Managing employee performance and reward: Concepts, practices, strategies. CambridgeUniversity Press

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