Myocardial Infarction: A case study
Myocardial Infarction: A case study
Myocardial infarction is informed by a blood supply interruption to a section of the heart which ends up enhancing the death of cells. In moist cases, such a situation is caused by a coronary artery occlusion and according to Hutchsson (2008) the ischemia which results from this coupled with the shortage of oxygen can lead to death especially is left untreated. There are a number of classical myocardial infarction symptoms which include anxiety, sweating, palpations, vomiting, nausea as well as breath shortness.In the case study recounted, we have Joan exhibiting a number of the classical myocardial infarction symptoms which include chest pain, profuse sweating, dizziness as well as shallow breathing. It is important to note that a number of psychological responses could have helped John survive the heart attack. This essentially means that a number of psychological responses could have mounted a defensive mechanism against the heart attack.
The first psychological response in this case could be changes in blood pressure and heart rate. In this case, the heart rate could have decreased and this essentially means the cardiac output also decreased. This is essentially because the cardiac output is a function of the heart rate and the strike volumes (Blanchard 2000). Another psychological response that could have helped John to survive the heart attack was an increased muscle tone as well as an increased rate of respiration.According to Blanchard (2000), the human immune system has a well defined connection with heart diseases including but not in any way limited to myocardial infarction. It is also important to note that the immune system may have played a central role in John’s case. According to Hutchsson (2008), the heart muscle that is disposed off as a result of myocardial infarction could set the immune system in motion. Here lymphocytes are called for and they infiltrate the hearts coverings most notably the pericardium. It is important to note that though clinicians have been focusing of the inflammation cascade last steps, not much thought has been given to the role of lymphocytes during the whole process informing myocardial infarction.
However, Hutchsson (2008) notes that the role lymphocytes lay as far as the response to a heart attack is concerned cannot be underestimated. Some of the lymphocytes whose roles is said to be central in this respect include the T lymphocytes.When it comes to John’s blood flow, it is important to note that a heart attack impairs the ability of the heart to expand as well as contact which informs other complications which may be potentially irreversible. According to a heart attack may inform a faulty blood flow and even leakages of blood. In the case of John therefore, the heart attack could have brought out a number of problems in valves and given that valves are responsible for the control of blood flow direction, he could have issues to do with leakages. An irregular heartbeat could also have brought about a faulty blood flow as a result of the condition known s arrhythmia. This condition is caused by a weakening of the muscles of the heart hence inhibiting the ability of the heart to pump blood. John’s blood flow could also have been affected by myocardial rupture which essentially means that john could have suffered from internal bleeding as a result of the rupture.
Hutchsson, S.J. (2008). Complications of myocardial infarction: clinical diagnostic
imaging atlas. Elsevier Health Sciences
Blanchard (2000). Myocardial Infarction. Cengage Learning, 2000
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