The article analyzes how novice nurses use intuitions when carrying out their duties. Nurses use intuition to determine the kind of care the patients need. This in turn ensures nurses offer the right care to patients. The author used questionnaire to collect data from 323 novice nurses so as to measure the use of intuition among the nurses. The research article is brief and well organized. The author has divided the research article into different sections. Each section analyzes different things. The article has an abstract where the author has provided a brief summary of his research. In the abstract the author has shown how novice nurses use intuition to make medical decisions. The researcher has also included the research he carried out to determine how nurses use intuitions and the research results. The findings from the research showed that novice nurses use intuition to direct patients who are old and patients who need more hospitalization.

Table of Contents

The  literature  review  section has  been  divided into various  sections  so  as to enable  the  reader  to understand. The first section evaluates how nurses use intuition. The second section determines the experience of nurses who use intuition. Apart from the literature review section, the author has also used the study purpose section. This section is aimed at determining the importance of past experiences in intuition. The author has analyzed different types of experiences that affect intuition. That is personal experience, interpersonal experience etc. Personal  experience  includes  gender, age,  exposure to spiritual  and  confidence  and  self  esteem. Interpersonal experience refers to   number of children which shows their experience as nurses in care giving roles. The author has also examined professional experience like the GPA during nursing schools. The GPA is used to determine the kind of patient care skills the nurses have acquired from nursing institutions. The author has also included method, results, discussion and implication for nursing. This has enabled the reader to understand the article. The author  has  included  excessive  jargon  that is  hard for students  and practicing  nurses to read  and  comprehend. The references used are   complete   and   current. The author has included the necessary details like author, title, placed of publication, year and even pages numbers. The author has the right education and clinical credential to carry out the research. The authors have adequate education and experience in nursing to carry out the research (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

In quantitative research design, research purpose means the objective of the study. In this case, the researcher is supposed to state the importance of the research. The study purpose provided by the author is inline with the definition of research purpose. The research is aimed at determining how nurses use intuition and how experiences affect intuition. The study provides different types of experiences so as to help nurses understand intuition. In the research problem, the researcher is supposed to state the problem of the study. The researcher should state the problem being analyzed. The research problem in the study is inline with definition of research problem. The research problem is determining how novice nurses used intuition. The use of intuition in nursing has become common in nursing. This is because novice nurses are required to make quick decisions when providing care. The demand of nursing care has forced nurses to make quick decisions (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

Moreover, a literature reviews section is supposed to provide information about studies that have been carried out previously. The researcher is supposed to list the research methods and findings from other studies. This provides a background of the problem. In addition, it helps indentify the gaps in other studies then expound on them. The literature review section in the article provides information on the use of intuition. The authors have analyzed a study carried out by Lieberman and other researchers. Lieberman carried out a study to determine the use of intuition among the nurses. Lieberman in his study argues that nurses need to make quick decisions so as to provide quality care. Also, Lieberman has also analyzed various experiences that determine how novice nurses used intuitions. Ruth-Sahd and Hedndy have used the experiences indentified by Lieberman to determine how nurses use intuition. Hence, the literature review section is written well as it reviews studies conducted before (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

A conceptual framework is used to describe the course of action in a study.  A  conceptual  framework  is a kind of  intermediate  theory  that  is aimed  at  connecting   different  aspects  of  study. For example, definition of problem, purpose, literature reviews etc. A conceptual framework acts as a map and directs the researcher and reader. The conceptual framework used by the researcher is good. The researchers have organized their research into various sections. That is the identification of problem, literature review, purpose of study, method, data collection analysis, results, discussion and implication. Hence, the framework is good. The research hypothesis is a statement that is to be tested. It is always linked with the research objective. The research determines the use of intuition among nurses and the experiences associated with intuition. That is personal experience, professional; experience etc (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

There are different variables that are used in a research. That is independent variables and dependent variable. The independent variables do not change during the research process. The independent variables in the research are the different types of experiences. The depdednt variable is intuition. The use of intuition to improve patient care depends on different   experiences. The researchers also included operational and conceptual for variables. The researchers have defined operational variableds according to the various experiences that affect intuition. That is personal experience, professional and interpersonal experience. The conceptual and operational variables are indentified and defined according to previous studies (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

The researchers used quantitative research design. The researchers used questionnaires to collect data from the sample. Also, the researchers used a large sample size. Only quantitative research design allows the researcher to use large sample size. The research design provided a means to determine different parts of the study design. That is objectives, questions and hypothesis and study purposed. The researcher did not use any pilot study in his work. Moreover, the researchers considered the issue of reliability in the study. For example, the researchers compared the sample used in the study with the population of students. The results showed that the sample represented the population. Hence, the results were   valid (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).


The sample selection was done correctly. The researchers used random technique to select the sample and ensure equal representation of the population. They also included the inclusion criteria. They used novice nurses from the baccalaureate nursing programs in US. The nurses were selected from each region in the country. The researchers did not carry out a power analysis and were not able to avoid type II error. The researchers have observed the HIPPA privacy regulations and also considered the rights of the participants. The researchers used an informed consent to protect the participants. The setting of the study was good. The researchers used nursing institutions to conduct the study as the participants were nurse student. The instruments   used in the study were questionnaires. The questionnaires were correctly labeled to guide the participants. The questionnaires contained different types of questions that focused on various experiences and demographic details. The data collection procedure is correctly described. The researchers used questionnaires to collect data. The questionnaires were sent to deans for approval and distribution to students. The data collection process was carried out in a consistent manner. The data collection method used is ethical as the participants were allowed to provide their personal details or not. Lastly, the data collection methods address the research objective, question and hypothesis (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).

The data analysis procedures are described well and it address the research questions, objectives and hypothesis. The researchers used statistic techniques to analyze data collected. For example, they used mean, median and multiple regressions. The data analysis method used is suitable for analyzing the type of data collected. The results are presented in a way that every one can understand using tables and figures. The analysis has been interpreted well. The findings from the study are generalized for novice nurses. The findings have an implication for nursing practice. This is because they help nurse educators can help novice nurses used intuitions by developing the right strategies. For example, nurse educators should encourage novice nurses to attend to patients from different age groups so as to learn how to use intuition. Also, nurse educator should ensure the experience of novice nurse does not affect the patient care or hinder them from determining the needs of the patient. The study had limitations like other studies. The limitation was low response rate from the deans who were supposed to distribute letters to participants. Also, the researchers were not able to include participants from different parts of the country. They only included Caucasians and women. The researchers argue that future research should determine the questions that have not been answered in the study. For example, the impact of intuition on patient cares. The study is well written as evidenced by the strengths. The researchers could have corrected the weakness indentified above like limitations and validity and reliability. The description of the study is good as it can be replicated (Ruth-Sahad &Hendy, 2005).


 Ruth-Sahad,A.L.,&Hendy,H.M.L(2005).Predictors  of Novice nurses  use of  intuition  to guide patient  care  decision. journal of nursing education, vol 44, issue no.10

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