Nursing Policy Process Assessment

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Nursing Policy Process Assessment

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complete assignment using the attached word document. just answer the questions as posted

Policy Process Assessment is a technique for determining where a policy is in the policy development process. In this assignment, you will use the your workplace or the Internet to locate a healthcare or public policy. You may choose an evidence-based practice policy from your workplace but do not disclose the name of your employer due to confidentiality.

Find a policy that has been implemented and critically analyze the policy to suggest further actions or a change in policy as it is written. You must provide your rationale for your suggested changes or actions.

Complete the worksheet describing 1) Why the need for this policy?; 2) A summary of the policy and why you chose this policy; and 3) what revisions or changes for future recommendations would you make, addressing questions 1-5 at the end by synthesizig your repsonse into 2-3 well-formulated paragraphs. Your sentences should transition from one thought to the next so they read logically. Be sure to provide any evidence you rely on in support of your suggestions in accurate APA citation. The evidence must be a current (within 5 years), peer-reviewed journal article on evidence based practice or best practices You will submit the completed Policy Process Assessment worksheet on or before Sun. by 11:59 pm week one. A resource page of websites has been provided to get you started but you are free to find your own healthcare policy to evaluate.

What is it?
Policy Process Assessment is a technique for determining where a policy is in the policy development process. In this assignment, you are looking at policy which has been implemented and critically analyzing to suggest further actions or a change in policy as it is written. You must provide your rationale for your suggested changes or actions. This should be one to two paragraphs added to this worksheet, and you should provide any evidence you rely on in support of your suggestions. A resource sheet of healthcare/public policy leads has been provided but you are free to locate your own healthcare policy.
Who uses it?
An individual or group.
Why is there a need for this policy?
Describe policy you chose and why. If you use a workplace policy do not use your employer’s name or any identifying information. Use a pseudonym if necessary to explain your policy.
Policy description: __________________________________________________________
Now, decide at what stage of the policy development process is your selected policy – indicate by placing an asterix (*) in the appropriate box(es).
Stage of development Indicate which stage *
Problem identification and agenda setting:
In which policy problems are defined and the policy agenda set. Completed
Policy formation:
Is the stage in which policies are created or changed. Completed
Is the stage when the policy is enacted, or brought into force Completed reviewed/updated annually
Policy implementation:
Includes the actions and mechanisms whereby policies are brought into practice Completed
Policy evaluation:
The final stage in the health policymaking process, includes monitoring, analysis, criticism, and assessment of existing or proposed policies. Further recommended actions. *
Use this area to make any recommendations for action or suggested changes on the existing policy. Be sure to include citations for any evidence based practice/best practices you rely on to make your suggested recommendations. For example, policy on self-scheduling nurse staffing. What worked/or didn’t work? Pick a policy that you know something about so you can make informed suggestions.
In your analysis be sure to address the following:
1) When was the policy initiated or last updated?
2) Who are the stakeholders? (For example, administration, nursing staff, etc. instead of specific names).
3) Who would need to approve the change(s)?
4) What changes, revisions, or future recommendations would you suggest?
5) List at least one current (within 5 years), peer-reviewed, evidenced based research or best practices journal article that is supportive of your recommendations, revisions, or changes. List this reference in accurate APA citation.
Synthesize your answers to the above into 2 or 3 well-formulated paragraphs. Do not simply answer the question next to the number. Make sure your sentences transition from one thought to the next. Following the end paragraph list your reference citation(s)

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