Nursing Practice Health Care

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Nursing Practice Health Care

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Project description
Complete a 300- to 350-word summary of your findings and a diagram.
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.
Career: Doctor of Nursing Practice Health Care
Describe selected career.
Identify two or three services and products within the selected career.
Identify the workforce roles within the services and products.
Discuss the impact of the roles on the health care organizations.
Added on 17.12.2014 21:42
Complete a 300- to 350-word summary of your findings and a diagram.
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.
Career: Doctor of Nursing Practice Health Care
Describe selected career.
Identify two or three services and products within the selected career.
Identify the workforce roles within the services and products.
Discuss the impact of the roles on the health care organizations.

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