Organization Design

Organization Design


Organization design can be described as the formal process of integrating technology, people, and information of an organization. Organization design matches the form of the organization with the purpose that the organization is trying to achieve. The organization design usually starts with the creation if a set of guidelines that the members are going to choose appropriate actions. An organization strategy is used derived from the vision, statement of purpose, and also from the basic philosophy of the organization. The structure of an organization usually define the relationship among the people in the organization and both their responsibilities and roles. The administrative system in an organization is responsible of governing the organization through procedures, guidelines, and policies (Borkowski, N 2009).

The technology and information defines the processes by which the members of the organization achieve the outcomes. In order for an organization to be successful, all the elements are supposed to support each other and work together towards achieving the organization purpose. Milton Medical Centre provides quality medical care to its clients and also serves as a setting for research and educational programs. The hospital provides the residents who are in the surrounding area with primary care. There are many factors that have had an effect on designing and shaping of the organization. These factors have had a contribution on the processes, size, and the structure of the organization. This papers aim at discussing the internal and external factors that have contributed to shaping and designing Milton medical centre.

Internal and external factors

In health care, there are several risks that come from the external and internal factors. Therefore, it is necessary for the health care executives to be prepared and have an approach that will address the risks. Organizations usually have internal and external forces that drive the organization. The internal factors are the things, events, or situations which occur inside the organization and the organization can be able to control them (Borkowski, N 2009). These include factors such as the management system, employee morale, organization equipment and machinery, technology capacity, and the financial management. The external factors are events, situations, or things that occur outside the organization and they are largely beyond the organization control.  Examples of external factors include the political interference, competition, the economy, and the demographic (Borkowski, N 2009). An organization is supposed to be able to respond to these factors in an appropriate way. External factors can bury an organization is they are not dealt with well.

Internal factors

The internal factors shaped and defined Milton Medical Centre is the management system. The management system in Milton Medical Centre has been effective. The responsibility of management is to acquire the physical, financial, and technological resources and make effective and efficient use of then in the organization (Banhegyi, S 2008). Milton Medical Centre has been having high competition with other health care organization, but the organization management has been able to ensure that the organization is still performing well in the industry. Because of the competition, the resources tend to be scarce, but Milton Medical Centre management has been able to ensure that the resources are used and acquired efficiently. The resources in the organization are in control of the management. The managers have been responsible in making sure that all departments in the organization receive the necessary resources on time. This has lead to the success of the organization in providing patients with quality care. The medical workforce in MMC makes decisions that relate to the patient. The administration is responsible of supplying the support services that are needed for the demand of the physicians.

MMC has been able to adopt the new technology, and this has shaped the organization in terms of how the organization performs its processes. Technology is that technique that makes operations be easier. MMC has included the electronic medical record system into the organization, which has largely improved the way services are offered to patients. This has improved the quality of care, and now the centre has been able to increase patients who are being served daily. Employees are an asset in the organization as they have a large contribution in the productivity and the success of the organization. In order for employees to be productive, the management should ensure that they create a favorable environment for them. MMC has more than 1000 employees who are qualified in providing the necessary services. The employees have assisted in shaping the organization structure and processes. The quality of employees in an organization normally affects the ability of the organization to innovate, the efficiency, productivity, and the satisfaction of the clients. In order to increase the employee morale and productivity, the organization management usually provides employees with rewards and promotion at the end of every year. This motivates the employees to even work hard and not to leave the centre for another organization.

External factors

The external factors are all entities outside the boundary of the organization that have a significant influence on the survival and growth of the organization. Economics is a factor that affects the structure, and processes of the organization. The ability of the customers paying directly has an impact to the organization bottom line regardless of the services that one is offering. Despite offering the best services to customers, the financial times can cause the clients to shift to other organizations that are cheaper (Banhegyi, S 2008). In order to be able to serve customers from all classes, Milton Medical centre has developed a system that will ensure all patients receive quality services at cheaper prices. Some of the key economic factors that have an impact that is affecting the health care industry include the subprime mortgage crisis, the oil prices, international economy, and the weakening of the dollar. MMC has experienced a system where optional procedures are scaled back in the bad economy, and if the client has a choice, they can choose not to travel to receive care.

The political factors are now more regulated today and the regulatory trends have resulted to increasing the cost of healthcare. People are in need of adequate health care funding and health care. The political interference is continuing to be a strong force in the health care industry (McConnell, R and Liebler, G 2008). All customers should have better health care options, and therefore; the political factors are supposed to honor this request. The political environment in health care can change because of the policies and actions that the government sets on all levels. The government can change the rules and regulations, and this can have an effect on the organization. However, there are some policies that the government has set that have been able to help in improving the quality of services that health care organizations are offering to customers. These policies have contributed in shaping the structure and size of the organization.


Accountability can be referred to the notion of accepting responsibility for ones actions, being held accountable for the actions, and being willing to answer for them. The demand for accountability in Milton Medical Centre has helped in improving the organization performance and productivity. The financial systems in the organization follow the accounting rules and organization. Financial accountability in MMC involves tracking and reporting on disbursement, allocation, and utilization of the financial resources.

The demand for accountability has also improved the performance of the organization (McConnell, R and Liebler, G 2008). All employees ensure performance accountability in accounting of performance with regards to the agreed performance target. Accountability in MMC has largely assisted in ensuring that the organization provides quality services and that the services that are offered to the clients provide satisfaction. Accountability in MMC exists when all employees in the workforce collectively and individually work consequently to promote the accomplishment of the mission in the organization.


In order for an organization to be successful, all the members of the workforce are supposed to work together in achieving its goal. The internal and external factors have also helped in shaping and designing the organization. In order for this to be possible, the management should be ready to deal with the many risks that surround the organization. A good organization design should match the purpose that the organization is trying to achieve.


McConnell, R and Liebler, G (2008). Management Principles for Health Professionals Jones and Bartlett

Banhegyi, S (2008). Management Pearsons Education Ltd

Borkowski, N (2009). Organizational behavior, theory, and design in health care Jones and Bartlett

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