Oxford Guide

Oxford referencing style is a style that makes use of footnotes and bibliography. Moreover, it is essential for a writer to make a reference list and endnotes.

Table of Contents

Oxford writing style guidelines are the most comprehensive guidelines compared to other guidelines for other writing styles. Oxford writing style has rules which must be followed when referencing or citing sources of information. There are several rules of referencing employed in the Oxford writing style guidelines. This paper will examine some of the rules that govern Oxford writing style. Oxford writing style makes use of footnotes, in-line citations, annotated bibliographic appendices and endnotes. For this reason, Oxford writing style is also known as documentary-note writing style or referencing style. Oxford writing style is mostly used when writing papers in the fields of philosophy and history but can also be used in other academic fields.

Oxford In-Line References

The in-line references in Oxford writing style are made up of numerical superscripts which serve as markers. Each Oxford writing style marker represents a given endnote or footnote denoting the reference or additional information used. There are two types of markers used in Oxford writing style papers. These markers are document wide markers and chapter-specific markers. Chapter-specific markers appear at the beginning of each Oxfordstyle paper chapter while document-wide markers number the entire document continuously. It is essential for Oxford writing style writers to use markers each time a quote or information from a given source is used. These markers are written at the end of a sentence and are numbered sequentially.


Endnotes and Footnotes

Oxford writing style guide requires sequential numbering of footnotes and endnotes. During citation of sources, a writer should use full citation when citing for the first time. Subsequent citations require the use of name-date-page format. Footnotes and endnotes in Oxford writing style are also used to indicate side comments. This means that they may be used to note related information or material that may not fit into the original text used in Oxford writing style papers. Endnotes in Oxford writing style are found at the conclusion or end of a book before the index and bibliography section. It is also common to find endnotes at the end of Oxford writing style papers. This is the case when the reference-numbering system used is chapter-specific.


The Oxford writing style makes use of annotated bibliography written at the end of the document or article. The bibliography in Oxford writing style papers is located prior the index and after the endnotes section. This implies that the Oxford writing style bibliography contains entries of information sources which include a brief and precise description of the information source. This description of the source of information is known as annotation. Annotation also shows the relevance of the source of information to the entire Oxfordwriting style document. The bibliography section may also contain the list of sources consulted in order to obtain information for writing Oxford writing style papers.

Bibliography consists of sources of information cited in the document or text as well as sources of information that a writer consulted when writing the Oxford writing style papers. A reference list on the other hand consists of only the sources of information cited in the document. It is essential f or a writer to arrange entries in an alphabetical order according to the authors’ family names or surnames. Unlike footnotes and endnotes, there is no use of numerals.

Citation of a book begins with the author’s name starting with the surname, initials which are then followed by a comma. The author’s name is followed by the full title which is italicized followed by a comma. The other details are the edition, publisher’s name, date of publication and year of publication.

Oxford writing style guide allows summarizing and paraphrasing of sentences or paragraphs. Summarizing is describing a whole document into one or two paragraphs. Summarization highlights key points and crucial information. Paraphrasing on the other hand is defined as describing the significance if an information source using one or two sentences. Hence, Writers should keep in mind that paraphrasing and summarizing is allowed according to Oxford writing style guide.


It is essential for writers to present quotes with less than thirty words in the text of a new but related paragraph. Long quotations of more than thirty words should on the other hand be presented in a separate paragraph. These quotes should have an indention measuring four tenths of an inch from the margin on the left side of the paper or document. In addition to the above, it is essential to include a superscript after the quotation. A third party quote also contains a superscript but it is vital to cite the author and the source of information.

Students write different types of Oxford writing style papers and some of these papers are Oxford style research papers, Oxford style term papers, Oxford style dissertation papers, Oxford style essay papers and Oxford referencing style book reports.

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