Personal Grievance

Personal Grievance

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            The most painful and unjust experience in my life occurred when I was a senior nursing student in Boston. The girl’s nursing school’s administration was very strict and required ardent adherence to school rules. I was a good performing student while in college, however; not very obedient as desired by the administration. At times I attended radical political events and concerts in which, at times I stayed past set curfew. Despite all this I never landed in trouble till one day when my friends and I sneaked by boyfriend into the girl’s dormitory. This happened to be a trigger to the worst moment in my life. The following day my next door neighbor falsely accused me of being a radical leader within the institution. She further crowned the accusation by alleging that I had painted the house’s cat with a white stripe down its back, and thereafter let it loose in the hall. Ironically, it was so surprising that I was being accused of utterly false allegations rather than the sneaking issue. The accusations led to my expulsion from the college. To add insult to injury, the headmistress stated in the presence of my parents that I was not fit to be a nurse and my qualities as a nurse were totally lacking.

The expulsion left me devastated with very painful and bitter feelings. The most painful aspect of all the happenings was that I was being expelled because of mistakes that I had not committed. Additionally, the fact that the headmistress thought that I was not fit to be a nurse made me very bitter because I knew I was a bright student and I had the capability to become a good nurse. I felt belittled by her statement and vowed that I had to become a nurse, and actually the best nurse that there would be in country. I felt that the decision to expel me was very unfair and there was no justice whatsoever, exercised in the choice of such a harsh punishment. The alleged mistakes committed did not warrant such a punishment and more so the whole decision was based on false allegations that had no proof. I was disappointed by the fact that the headmistress and the whole administration did not take their time to try and find out the truth or at least proof that the allegations were true. This in itself was unjust and totally unfair to both my parents and to me as a senior nursing student.

I went home with bitter feelings and resentment. Luckily, my parents were understanding and comforting. They helped find another program, and I continued with my studies and quest. Later, I took the Registered Nurse Examinations (RN), and passed with a high score. Thereafter, I went to anesthesia school and passed the examination after which, I got a good job as a practicing nurse. These achievements eased the pain and bitter resentment that I had for the headmistress and the administration at my former school. The reduction of the pain allowed me to forgive them for what they had done to me. Surely, time coupled with my achievements acted as the best healer to my bitterness and anger. My religious background also played a part in enabling to find it in me to let go the negative feelings because they would actually be a burden to my life (Worthington et al, 1997).


Worthington, L. E, Sandage, J. S, McCullough, E. M. (1997).To Forgive is Human: How to put your past in the past. Intervarsity Press.

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