Personal Statement

 In the Language Arts Unit Plan, the teacher associates the students’ assessments with the curriculum in that he allows students to carry out an evaluation to determine whether the objectives of the study have been met. This is achieved by asking the students to determine areas that need revision and confirming what they have learned with regard to the study objectives. It is essential in learning to use appropriate study methods and materials when teaching therefore the teacher makes use of the relevant materials that aid in the students understanding.

These materials include audiovisual aid in the teaching of oral language and stop watch to time the students’ fluency in reading. To enable learners to develop, the teacher should address them differently and according to their levels of cognition. In this, the teacher carries out student individual analysis which enables him to monitor their progress and also allows learning in teams since students are more likely to understand when they learn from their peers.

For an instruction of teaching to be efficient, there should be activities of learning meant to shape the categorization and understanding of words. This is achieved through practice directed by the teacher hence enabling students to be fluent in both reading and writing. In the Language Arts Unit Plan, the teacher uses the appropriate materials and teaching aids for a specific teaching lesson. These materials are meant to aid and improve the students understanding since it is easier to understand and keep something that one has done practically in memory.

In my view, the teacher is able to meet standards of academics by monitoring the students’ development through note taking. This aids in establishing a system that interests all students and hence the teacher is able to know the difficulties that the students have. Therefore, he will work towards improvement.


NCRTL (2008) Findings from the teacher education and learning to teach study: Final report. [Online]. Available from: (Accessed 24/10/10)

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