Personalized Medicine and Modern Genetic Technology


            Personalized medicine is a form of a medical model. The model’s emphasis and basis of effective application lies in the understanding and use of an individual’s personal information. The necessary personal profile information includes details about an individual’s proteins, genes, environmental surroundings in diagnosis, prevention and in choosing and administering treatments. The model emphasizes the use of diagnosis, preventive care and therapeutic care that is tailored according to the differences within and around an individual that makes them different from the rest of the populace. Past medical models applied epidemiological study within large cohorts. These models never took into account the variability in genes within the population, and as a result medical care was tailored on a blanket basis.

Personalized medicine seeks to provide an in depth analysis of inherent differences within genetically different people and how it affects the health care they may need. Traditionally, this model was limited to the evaluation of an individual’s social circumstances, behaviors, family history and the environment in which they live in order to design individualized care. However, these considerations were limited in enabling a more personalized treatment. The technological advancements in genomics and proteomics are likely to improve the levels of personalized medical care.

Discoveries in various molecular profiling methods such as genetic testing, proteomic profiling, and metabolomic analysis may make advancement in the delivery of a more personalized medicine model. Personal details about a person’s metabolic, genetic, and proteinaceous profiles could in future be used to tailor-make individualized medical care. The model could be used to develop companion diagnostics, which use molecular assays to measure the level of genes, mutations, and proteins to be used in the provision of specified therapy that fits a patient’s health condition (Science Daily, 2010). This is achievable by disease status stratification, selection of appropriate medical care and determining a dosage that fits the personal specific needs. Additionally, the method could be used in the assessment of individual risk factor for various conditions, in a bid to tailor personal preventive care (Collins, 2010).

Examples of beneficial results from personalized treatment based on genomics and proteomics include discoveries made in the field of oncology. The ability to measure EGFR and erbB2 protein in lung, colorectal and breast cancer patients helps in selection of the right treatment option (Science Daily, 2010). Other examples of discoveries include the identification of genes responsible for life longevity and discovery of ninety five genes responsible influencing cholesterol levels (Fox, 2010). These basic scientific discoveries could be used in the development of drugs and treatment. Benefits of personalized medication include the determining of proper drugs to use that can avoid eliciting side effects as well as determining the right dosage for different people. The obtained genomic information could also be used in development of new drugs and treatments (Fox, 2010).

The negative side of this advancement is that it may lead to genetic discrimination by insurers and employers. Insurers may impose higher premiums on people with genetic combinations deemed life threatening. The application may also be hampered by expenses of tests on proteomics and genetics as well as those that may be incurred in research and development of new drugs that will offer better personalized treatment. Despite the disadvantages and drawbacks, most patients and health practitioners agree that these advancements will be highly beneficial in health care delivery.


Collins, S. F. (2010).The Language of Life: DNA and the revolution in personalized medicine. Harper Collins Publishers.

Fox, M. (2010). Researchers Find Ninety Five Genes affecting Cholesterol. Reuters, WashingtonDC. Retrieved on 7th August, 2010 from

Science Daily, (2010). Unearthing King Tet: key protein influences stem cell fate. Retrieved on 7th August, 2010 from

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