Persuasive Memo 2
Re: Wage Raise for the Work Performance
Dear Sirs/Madams
I have worked in our company for the last five years and believe that I have received a reasonable degree of experience and training needed to acquire relevant skills applicable to the responsibilities that I receive. I feel that the pay I get is not appropriate for the performance given for my job designation. The company administration should consider this matter. Just like the company receives proper outputs that are worth their demands, I believe employees should receive proper pay that is worth their performance.
At the beginning, it was quite reasonable that I was receiving a small compensation since I also did a small amount of work. As a newcomer in the company, I had insufficient skills required to complete assigned task. Hence, my productivity was much lower and it was reasonable for my pay to be lower too. During the five years that I have been working in the company, I spent a lot of effort, time and comprehension in an attempt to improve my work performance and contribute to the company’s productivity. The quality of work that I give to the company has significantly improved owing to attending seminars and training programs organized by the company and its shareholders. I have therefore attained necessary skills for performing different duties effectively.
Currently, with the sufficient skills acquired, I believe I have the potentiality to increase the company’s productivity and sufficient outputs. I therefore deserve to get a higher pay now compared to the pay I was receiving during earlier stages of my employment. The compensation that is currently receive is lower that the level of skills and expertise that I have amassed over the last five years. I believe if am given adequate pay or compensation, I can give back to the company with a high degree of morale and motivation. The satisfaction that I will get will help in boosting my desire to work harder for the company’s good and benefit.
The pay rise will be of great benefit to me, as an employee as well as to the company. While I hope to get satisfied and motivated to perform excellently, the company will benefit through increased profitability and productivity. Additionally, when matters similar to this one are addressed in a positive manner, employees’ performance is also increased. Eventually, there would be increased competitiveness that will propel the company towards outsmarting its competitors.
Yours Sincerely:
Guidelines Used in the Memo
The guidelines set by authors such as Conger, Bowman and Cialdini have been used in writing this persuasive memo. The first guideline is that the first part of the memo should give a clear introduction of the writer as well as the intended change. The first paragraph is supposed to clearly state the purpose of the persuasive memo, and this has been stated clearly. The other guideline postulated by Conger, Bowman and Cialdini is that of keeping the memo simple. This has been followed since the memo written is simple and direct to the point. The necessary action has been clearly reinforced in the reader. This is also among the fundamental guidelines. The other guideline that is worth noting is that of mentioning the benefits of taking the action. This ahs been clearly outlined in the essay since among the benefits of increasing pay is increased employee motivation and productivity. The final point that is essential is signing the memo and asking the reader to give consideration to the suggestion made in the memo.
Why the Memo was Ethical
The memo is ethical since it conforms to the required ethical standards. It is ethically right for employees to follow the right channel of communication when airing out their grievances. Rather than starting a riot or demonstrating, it is logical for employees to communicate to the management level through writing persuasive memos. Taking another channel rather than direct communication to the management could result to chaos and even losing of jobs. Consequently, the company could incur loss and decreased productivity level. It is the desire of every firm or organization to increase its productivity and maintain a motivated workforce. The key to achieving the mentioned aspects is effective communication between the employees and senior management level (O’Rourke, 2009).
The memo is also ethical since it tends to portray the fact that employees have a sense of autonomy and freedom. This implies that they are free to air out their grievances as well as their opinions and views. Through such a memo, employees can make their problems known to the management, which in turn takes the most appropriate action. Therefore the persuasive memo illustrated above clearly upholds the ethical principal of autonomy. It gives employees a sense of individuality and free will to make informed decision regarding their work (O’Rourke, 2009).
O’Rourke, J. S. (2009). Management Communication: A Case-Analysis Approach (4th
Ed). IndianaUniversity.
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