PR Program in Schools

PR programs are necessary in schools in especially when making decisions. In my school there have been PR programs which help the administration in giving of the primary loyalty to the to the employing organization, with emphasis on the right to give advisory counsel in accordance with the sound public relations practices and ideas; assist them on how to cooperate with other groups while they avoid conflicting with the primary responsibilities. There are also programs that guide by pursuit of the public interest through truth, accuracy, fairness and good taste; following of good judgment in the release of information. There are programs that help the school to recognize that effectiveness is dependent upon integrity and the regard for the profession ideals. (Cameron, & Wilcox 2008)

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There have been tremendous changes in my school that necessitate a PR program. These changes are very crucial and if they go unchecked they can cause problems in the communication systems. They include knowledge, perceptions and behavior. The knowledge among the concerned parties has changed over the time, individuals or undergoing transformation in various ways. This has led to different perceptions to the different activities of the school. The change in perception has led to the change in the way individuals behave. These are very crucial and they can only be solved by establishing a sound PR program in the school. (Seitel, 2010)

Teachers need to be involved fully in the PR programs because they act as the intermediaries between the administrations, students and other concerned parties. In this school teachers have not been left behind and they are now very familiar the application of the PR program in the school. The administration is obligated to check whether there is sound coordination between the different organs of the school. These include the students, the teachers, the parents and the community at large. By doing so it will ensure that information flows freely and that there is full implementation of PR program.


Cameron, G.T. & Wilcox, D.L. (2008) Public relations: Strategies and tactics (9th Ed.), USA: Ally & Bacon Publishers

Seitel, P.F. (2010) Practice of public relations (11th Ed) USA: Prentice Hall

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