(LA #2): Read the quantitative descriptive survey research study by Prior, Wilkinson, and Neville (2010) “Practice Nurse Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice: A Descriptive Survey”. Then complete a three to four page analysis and critique paper, 750 words. In this critique you will complete both the Synopsis and Credibility components.
Title your page with the following heading:
Citation: Prior, P., Wilkinson, J., & Neville, S. (2010). Practice Nurse Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice: A Descriptive Survey. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 26 (2), 14-25.
Use your own words to complete the critique. In this critique you will complete both the Synopsis and Credibility components from pages 401-404 of your textbook. Do all the components for Synopsis as done in LA#1. Then do all the components for Credibility. Use the following subheadings from Synopsis, pages 401-402, and Credibility, 402-404, to write a critique of the study, using your own words, and answering the following items in your paper.:
1. What was the purpose of the study?
Address the research questions, and/or study purposes
2. Who participated or contributed data?
Address items such as target population, how sample was obtained, inclusion criteria, demographics or clinical profile, dropout rate; provide as much information as you can find in the article as to who were the sample participants and what was the final sample size
3. What methods were used to collect data?
Address items such as sequence of events, timing of data collection, types of data assessed, types of data measures that were collected
4. Was an intervention tested on patients/participants? If Yes, how was the patient/participant sample size determined, and were patients randomly assigned to treatment groups?
To correctly answer this question as a Yes or No, read pages 142-143 in your textbook to understand what is meant in research by the term intervention
5. What were the main findings?
Report and address the main findings of the study
6. Is the study published in peer-reviewed journal? If yes, how did you find out this information?
7. Was the design used in this study appropriate for the research question?
8. Did the data obtained and the data analysis that was conducted answer the research question?
9. Was there anything about the way the participants were chosen or their characteristics that could have influenced the findings?
10. Were the measuring instruments used in this study valid? Were they reliable? How do you know this?
11. Were important extraneous variables and potential bias controlled for in this study?
12. Was there anything about the way that the study was conducted that could have influenced the findings?
13. Are the findings consistent with or different from previous findings in this area of study?
14. For each main study finding, is it credible?
Conclusion: Conclude your paper by stating whether you agree or disagree with the “Discussion and Implications for nursing practice, policy and research” section in the study, or are there other ideas/research areas that should be addressed? Do you think the study findings would be different if the study was conducted with nurses in the USA, or do you think the findings would be very similar
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