Professional Development Plan in Nursing
The work environment for the nursing practice has been mentioned to be one of the most demanding as compared to other types of work. Nurses provide a wide majority of patient care in hospitals, nursing homes, care sites for ambulance and other settings of healthcare (AONE, 2000). The first objective of the professional practice environment for the nurses is giving the patient priority. Nurses and healthcare organizations ought to focus on the safety of the patient and the quality of care.
Recently a variety of factors have contributed in challenging the environments work for the modern-day nurses. The need for rapid well-educated, experienced nurses have been brought about by the advances in biomedical sciences, improvement in prevention of disease and its management, integrating of new clinical care technologies and changes in delivery of care to a wide range of clinical sites. The demographic in population are changing as the public ages in growing numbers and becomes more diverse in culture and language.
Work environments that support professional practice of nursing
Preceptor ships and residencies
With the increased complexity of health care environments, there has been need for provision of clinical experiences that assist students in making the transition to the setting of a work place with a more realistic expectations and thorough preparations (Mills, Jenkins & Waltz, 2000). One approach has been offering education and service to partner so as to create summer internships and senior supervised experiences. Students who work close with the staff nurses have the opportunity for role socialization as well as increasing clinical skills, competence, and confidence (Letizia & Jennrich, 1998). In addition extended supervised job trainings have proven to be excellent recruitment devices, often decreasing the cost of lengthy orientation programs and reducing rates of turnover.
Differentiated nursing practice
Differentiated practice models are models of clinical nursing practice defined by education level, expected clinical skills or competencies, description of the job, scales of pay and participation in the making of decisions. These models have been implemented in the acute care inpatient settings, rural community nursing centers and acute care operation rooms.
Evidence shows that these models foster positive outcomes for job satisfaction, cost of staffing, nurse turn over rates, adverse events, roles of nursing and patient interventions and outcomes. The differentiated practice outcomes include the opportunity for healthcare delivery organizations to capitalize on the education and the experienced that is provided by the diverse programs of education. The registered nurse has the chance to practice to his or her potential and take full advantage of preparations from the education system.
Interdisciplinary collaboration
It was recommended by the institute of medicine as a way of minimizing problems of patients safety in U.S. health system that there should be creation of improved safety systems inside health care through implanting of a safer practices at the level of delivery, including interdisciplinary clinical practice among health professional. This can be defined as making of decisions jointly and the communication process among healthcare providers with a goal of satisfying the needs of the patient while respecting the unique abilities of each professional who takes part in the care. The main attributes of collaboration include trust, knowledge, mutual respect, cooperation and coordination.
Empowering the participation of nurses in clinical decision making and organization of clinical care system
There should be decentralized programs that are based on unit or the structure of the team organization for making of decision. There should be organization or committee that is system wide and communication structures that include the nurses. There should be demonstrated leadership role for the nurses in performance improved of clinical care and the organization of clinical care systems. It is essential to utilize review systems for analysis of nursing and correction of clinical care errors and patient safety concerns and staff nurses have the authority to develop and execute nursing care orders and actions and practice control.
Demonstration of professional development support for nurses
Professional continuity education opportunities available and supported; it is necessary to have resources support for advanced education in nursing including completion programs and graduate degree programs; preceptorships, or other educational programs that are available and encouraged. Incentive programs for registered nursing education for interested licensed practical nurses and non-nurse healthcare personnel; long term career support program targeted to specific populations of nurses, such as older individuals, home care or operating room nurses, or nurses who come from different ethic backgrounds.
The should be specialty certification and advanced credentials and they should be encouraged, promoted and recognized. Linkages should be developed between institutions of healthcare and graduate schools of nursing for provision of support for continuity in education research that is collaborative and clinical educational affiliation.
Utilizations technological advances in clinical care and information systems
Documentation should be supported through appropriate application of technology to the care process of the patient. The necessary equipment, supplies and technologies should be made available to maximize the efficient delivery of quality nursing care. Resource requirements should be quantified and monitored so as to ensure that appropriate there is the required resource allocation.
American Organization of Nurse Executive (2000) Nurse recruitment and retention study. Chicago: AONE Institute for patient care research and education
Mills, Jenkins & Waltz, (2000) Strategies to reverse the new nursing shortage: WashingtonDC
Letizia & Jennrich, (1998) NYU Residency program lays foundation for the future. Nursing spectrum Vol 10A Issue 21 p16
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