A Project Is A Joint Enterprise

A Project Is A Joint Enterprise

A project is a joint enterprise that entails research or design and is well planned to attain a certain aim. In addition, a project is a distinct set of coordinated activities that have beginning point and ending point undertaken by a person to achieve specific objectives. The objectives are defined within various parameters including cost, schedule and performance. Project objectives refer to target status at the completion of the project. The project objectives are important as they in achieving the planned benefits. The project objectives are SMART. They are specific, measurable, achievable and realistic.  The project objectives depend on the project being carried out.  An example of a project is developing an Ecommerce website for a business.  Project objective: The business will increase customers and sales by 50% within 1 year by integrating its activities on the website (Kerzner, 2009).

Project life cycle refers to the various stages followed when carrying out a project.  The project life cycle consists of identification of user requirements, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, monitoring and maintenance. Stakeholders play a critical role in the project life cycle. Organizations and individuals should ensure they involve stakeholders in the project life cycle. Involving the stakeholders helps in understanding their needs and integrating their needs in the project development. It also ensures the project meets the needs of the stakeholders as the requirements identified are used to evaluate the project success. Customers are part of the stakeholders involved in the project lifecycle. Customers have various needs and requirements that should be met and hence involving them helps in understanding their needs.  Customers affect the project lifecycle in different ways. They can make the project successful or not.  The identification of customer requirements and needs should be done well to ensure the project is successful.  The requirements should be integrated well into the project life cycle. The customers should be satisfied by satisfying their needs and requirements to ensure the project objectives are achieved (Kemp, 2005).

Project scope is part of project planning and entails determining and documenting the goals, deliverables, costs, tasks and deadlines.  The project scope states the project boundaries and responsibilities for every member. It also states how the project will be completed, verified and approved.   The project scope becomes a constraint when it comes to resources and goals. Lack of resources and clear goals can affect the outcome of the project and hinder the team from achieving the project goals. A project schedule states the elements of the project together with the start and completion dates. It also states the resources, cost, duration, time and dependencies.  A project schedule constraint refers to limitation placed on the schedule of the project that impacts the start and end of events. The constraint can prevent an activity from starting earlier than scheduled (Dobson, 2004).Cost is the amount of money used to complete the project. Lack of financial resources can affect start and end of project activities and success. Customer satisfaction entails fulfilling customer needs. Customer satisfaction affects   project success. A project can be considered successful if completed on time, within budget and meets the scope requirements. However, it might not be considered successful by customers if it does not fulfilling the requirements of the consumers (Kerzner, 2009).

Project management techniques have a lot of benefits. Project management techniques enable project managers organize activities in a chronological order and determine dependencies. It also helps them determine the time and effort need for each task. In addition, they determine the cost of each activity and match them with the budget. Further, project management methods help project manages in managing risks effectively and foresee risks. Also, project managers define clear milestones, customer expectations and involvement. This ensures the projects meet customer needs and meet the objectives(Lurse, 2005).


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