Project Management in Aviation Operations

Project Management in Aviation Operations

#1Project control process is vital simply because it helps the project manager control activities for a given project. Some managers fail in achieving their project goals simply because they did not control their planned activities in the right aspect. I have personally used project control process in many projects where is manage to achieve results of the project as estimated. The first thing in the project control process is to ensure that all procedures and plans are in the right aspect. To ensure procedures are established for proper action, the project manager identifies necessary procedures simply because not all procedures are necessary in a project. I also define appropriate standards that the project requires in the course of action. It is necessary to define tolerance and performance levels for the project. I have managed to achieve project goals simply because I understand and use project control process in the best approach. Continual monitoring of progress is vital in a project because it allows the manager ensure all activities move in the direction expected, (Berkun, 2008).

#2 Changes in a project always occur due to different situations thus the project manager and all relevant stakeholders should be aware and ready to respond to the situation. In most cases, organizations fail to understand the right person responsible for change in a given project. Evidence shows that any person even the sponsor of the project has the right to initiate change if it is necessary. Changes occur in simply because something went wrong during planning or the project wants to be improved. Changes may occur at any given time. Evidence shows that no specific time is defined for changes to occur. A change depends with the need of the project and therefore, they can come at any time. The necessary thing a project manager or person in charge of the project should do is understand the change and implement proper strategies for the change, (Schwalbe, 2010).

#3 Scheduling of IS projects is challenging due to many reasons that project managers fail to understand. Lack of project managerial skills is one of the reasons why scheduling of IS projects becomes technical and difficult to develop. Evidence shows that lack of control due to poor scheduling elements also affects the process of scheduling projects. Another problem with scheduling projects is working with less qualified team members who rely on the skills or information the senior person has for scheduling. There are some common problems that push projects beyond their estimate time. One problem is taking a lot of time than the expected. Development of changes for new developments is another problem that affects completion time for the project, (Gould, 2010).


Activity ES EF LS LF Slack
A 0 2 3 5 2
B 2 10 12 12 0
C 2 8 13 10 2
D 2 15 17 17 2
E 8 7 21 15 6
F 17 20 75 30 10
G 17 12 29 31 2
H 29 5 29 43 14

According to the analysis, project D plays a vital role in the entire schedule. In focusing on that project, all things will work and move in the right direction.


Berkun, S. (2008). Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management: O’Reilly Media, Inc

Gould, E. F. (2010). Managing The Construction Process: Estimating, Scheduling, and Project Control: Prentice Hall

Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling: John Wiley & Sons

Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information Technology: Project Management: Cengage Learning

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