Public Health Workforce Hiring Strategies


Public Health Workforce Hiring Strategies



As you have learned this unit, one of the major factors in the successful operation of any public health organization is whether appropriate people have been hired for the roles. In this assignment, you will develop strategies that will help you in the very important process of identifying the right skill set needed for a job and the process of hiring the person best suited to that job.


Prepare for this assignment by reviewing your Learning Resources on job analysis and description, rules and regulations governing hiring, and good practices for interviewing.


Then imagine that you are hiring a health or program planner for your local or state health department. Analyze the job so that you understand what kinds of skills and background would be needed in order to perform that job well. In a two to three page paper, describe your strategies on how to fill that position, including the following specific elements:



  1. Write a brief job description for this job (feel free to study other job descriptions to give you ideas, but you must engage in original thinking in this job analysis).
  2. Describe where you would advertise or any other strategy you would engage in to recruit someone for this position, briefly explaining your rationale for these choices.
  3. Describe what your approach would be in interviewing this person, and list three specific questions you would ask.
  4. Identify at least one law, rule, or regulation that you would be guided by in your hiring process, and how you would make sure to stay in compliance with this regulation.

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