Question 1

 There should not be prescribed gender-specific roles for men and women in the society as there were in the past. In the past thirty years, there has been a huge shift in gender roles. This shift occurred at a so rapid rate that men and women are still attempting to find out the meaning to the new rules and roles. Instead of blaming each other for the shift in gender roles, it is appropriate for both parties to learn how to work collaboratively in trying to learn about their new roles. Most marriage partners who negotiate and share different tasks often have successful marriages (Carroll, 2009). It is thus evident that prescription of gender specific roles would ruin the union and deter success in marriages.

Question 2

The Laws that surprise me are the capital laws. In particular, the fourth and the fifth laws under capital law .The fourth law states that a person who commits any intentional murder shall be put to death while the fifth law which a person who kills another out of cruelty of passion or anger shall be put to death. These laws have greatly influenced the current American laws pertaining to capital punishment. Though different American jurisdictions have varying crimes subject to death, most violations that lead to death of one or many people are referred to as capital crimes. It can therefore be presumed that the ideology of classifying capital crimes was coined from the “Massachusetts Body of Liberties”.

Response to a class mate

I disagree with this opinion because I believe women are as much able to take leadership positions as men. Stereotyping is inappropriate and with today’s liberal society, women are gradually taking strong leadership positions and performing much better. There are many women with high level of education, suited for various professional and leadership positions.


Carroll, J. L. (2009). Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Cengage Learning

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