Question and Answers

Q. What can and should unions to do to increase their membership and help the working poor that have the worst jobs?

Due to the notably low membership in unions in the recent years, the need for unions, especially in the work place, to incorporate a large portion of the workplace employees is very vital. There are several ways through which this can be done (Shipler 2004). The first priority is for the union leaders to know exactly how to give better treatment to the members’ problems at work as this is the main reason why employees join unions in the work place. These knowledge is vital as it will help the leaders forecast on satisfying these needs as well as defining ways to retain these members. Employees also believe that by joining the unions, they will receive better working environment and an elevated association wage payment. This will provide the employee with a sense of belonging and that of the people. In the assistance of the poor, the unions should be represented as a good value for money which incorporates the union representatives’ accessibility and the recognition of the union as the source of right advice and fair employees’ representation in terms of salaries and wages as well as the working environment which cultivates equal chances and one that makes work enjoyable (Shipler 2004). Union members also expect collective representation unlike the use of individual voice especially where the issue at hand has chances of bias or harassment.

 Q. What are the positives and what are the negatives of virtual teams? What kind of experience do you have with a virtual team?

Originally, virtual teams have had fixed membership where all team members are drawn from inside the organization and a 100% devotion by team members and under the leadership of one manager. With the increased changes in organizations, virtual teams have acquired shifting membership where members include people outside the organization and most of the members belonging to multiple teams and hence have multiple reporting relationships. Some of the advantages of virtual teams include (Bucher 2010): saving time and transport expenses as members can communicate through online web pages and forums, provision of experts’ accessibility as they only need to participate virtually compared to manually, team membership is flexible with easy and cheap hiring and retention of team members. Virtual teams allow one to membership of multiple teams which can be geographically or organizationally distributed which promotes fast response to market demands. The negative impacts associated with the virtual teams, as stated by O’Toole and Lawler (2008) are the lack of physical and social interaction which may result to poor clarification and verification of points and the loss of one-on-one synergies and trust. My experience with virtual teams is that of real-time participation and contributions where I can get information with the shortest time possible.

 Q.3 what is your opinion on the proposed changes in various working places.

The proposed changes in various work places is the participation of the federal government in the provision of funds for each American citizen’s basic commodities and requirements by use of an electronic benefits transfer system as well as the conversion of the income tax to flat tax excepted from deductions or personal exemptions (Dossin 2010). My opinion in this case is that such a move by the federal government will be beneficial especially to those living below the average living standards and provide a sense of security to the future of the poor, disabled and the elderly. In addition, this will go a long way in eliminating the tiring work associated with the calculation of tax. These together with other benefits will serve the purpose of promoting patriotism.


Bucher, D., (2010). Diversity and Consciousness. Prentice Hall. United States of America.

Dossin S., (2010). Coming together. Retrieved: 10-05-2010 from last updated on 2010.

O’Toole, J & Lawler, E., (2006). The new American Workplace. Palgrave McMillan. United States of America.

Shipler D., (2004). The working poor. Knopf. United States of America.

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