The Question of Illegal Immigrations
Illegal immigration is an act where foreign nationals enter a country by violating the set policies given by the immigration laws and national policies through either remaining in the country after the visa period has elapsed of entering the country through illegal means. In 2008, the population of illegal immigrants in the United States was estimated to be eleven million through the reports given by the Center for Immigration studies. Another report given by the Pew Hispanic Center in 2005 showed that the number of Mexican illegal immigrants accounted or 56% of the general immigrants and 22% of them belonging to other countries. The report further indicated that 6% of the illegal immigrants were from Canada and Europe, 13% from Asia and three percent from Africa and various regions of the world. Illegal immigrants in the U.S should be deported.
Arguments for deportation
The main reason or immigration to America has mainly been because of the issue of employment. Since the historical times, the United States is still seen today as a court with create opportunities and where people can earn wealth in achieving the commonly referred to aspect of the America can Dream. Therefore the rate of employment in the US will either speed up or slow down the rate of immigration into the U.S. The citizens of America have argued various issues associated with allowing illegal immigrants to live and work in the country. Many of the American citizens also feel that through legalizing the status of these immigrants would affect the country economically. However despite these criticisms, the illegal immigrants have proved to be worth the country in terms of improving the productivity of the country and dealing with various aspects in both the economic and employment perspective.
The issue of illegal immigration has always been a tough subject to government officials. Some of the government officials have urged that since America is made up of immigrants from various parts of the world, then no one should be considered as an illegal immigrant in the country. One of the problems which the politicians have put forward to address the issue of illegal immigration is amnesty. This solution has not been effective in eliminating or reducing illegal immigration to the country. Through the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, the illegal immigrants who had stayed in the U. S for a long period of time and who were in the country before January 1, 1982 were granted amnesty. This step quickly transformed over three million illegal immigrants to become US citizens. Amnesty is all about rewarding the law breakers like the people entering the U.S illegally.
The country has seen various illegal immigrants living without paying taxes and breaking other laws without them being punished. Such aspects act in violations of the basic principle of the country’s legal justice system. There is always a severe punishment for American citizens when they do not pay taxes (Passel, 2005, pp 13). Then why should the non-citizens avoid paying taxes yet they enjoy the social and economic services such as health and education services provided in the country? The health sector is mainly challenged with the problem of budget allocation and this means that it is futile to add more burdens to the already struggling health system. The issue of amnesty also affects the job market in bringing about high competition rate among the citizens (Guian & Bruce Palmquist, 2007).
Employment is something which every grown up adult wishes to have. Some people have argued that employing foreign individuals who are illegally in the country is beneficial to the economic development of the country. They ague that America is a potential country and needs human power to bring further development in the country (Edmonston and Smith, 2007). The illegal immigrants are essential for providing cheap labor and can also boost the economy of the country by renting houses and buying communities thus paying sales tax in the commodities they buy this therefore shows that proper utilization of the illegal immigrants can boost the economic development of this country and should therefore be legalized. Another group of individuals thinks that thinks that since the current state of economy in the country is in crises the illegal immigrants, should be deported because they n hinder the few employment chances from being given to the American citizens. It is also urged that the illegal immigrants have contributed to the economic failure in the country because they do not contribute top any resources in the country, yet they utilize these resources. They enjoy the free public services yet they do not pay taxes. This therefore makes them responsible for the economic crises which the country is experiencing today and therefore should be deported by to their countries. By allowing all the immigrants to work in country, it will mean the over eleven million people taking up jobs in the country. Thus what will the citizens are left with?
Many illegal immigrants have settled in the country, pay tax, are employed and have started their families and mainly brought fourth various developments in the country. But some of the illegal immigrants into the country are posing a major threat to the country. Such potential threats include criminal acts and terrorism. The overstay of foreigners years after their visas have expired has made it a major challenge for interior agencies to critically examine organized crimes, violent felons and acts of terrorism because they use anonymous identities which raises great complexity in establishing what their intentions are. In October 2001, Phyllis Schlafly, who is an author and conservative political activist and also a writer, he says that, “the terrorists are foreigners, most or all of whom should not have been allowed to live in our country. It should be repeated over and over again. He sees terrorists as those who live within us. And therefore calls for immigration officials and immigration laws to bring forth clear boundary line between what is legal and illegal and between who should be provided with citizenships status ad that should be deported. This is the only way which the government should undertake as a precaution of ensuring there is maximum security in the country. It is also important to note that terrorists will take an opportunity when a country has enforced immigration policies and may come to the country as illegal immigrants through illegal means or overstaying in the period given in their visas (Clearfield, & Batalova, 2005, pp 23).
Deportation of illegal immigrants is the only way America can continue to prosper economically and to have social systems of fifth quality serving a manageable number of American citizens. Village immigrants lead to various economic crises as well as congesting hospitals and schools. Over population in the country is what is making the government to increase insurances payment rates to cater for the support of health care facilities. Not all the illegal immigrants are of good intentions. Terrorists are those who are aware of the vulnerability of America’s immigration system and should therefore be addressed by the government to ensure those entering the country are individuals with the right documents and those who are staying in the country legally.
Pew Hispanic Center (2005) Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Undocumented Population – Full Report (PDF)
On May 2, 2011
Edmonston and Smith, The New Americans, National Academy Press, page 39-52
Hoofer, M, Rytina, N and Campbell, C (2005) Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: J6Estimating the Undocumented Population”, GAO Report #06-775, at page 17.
S. Passel, (2005)The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U.S.: Estimates Based on the March 2005 Current Population Survey,” Research Report cited in “Estimating the Undocumented Population”, GAO Report #06-775, at page 17.
Edmonston and Smith, the New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. National Academy Press. Page 21
Clearfield, Esha & Jeanne Batalova. “Foreign-Born Health-Care Workers in the United States.” Migration Information Source. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.
Friedberg, Rachel M. and Jennifer Hunt. The Impact of Immigrants on Host Country Wages, Employment, and Growth. The Journal of Economics Perspectives, 9.2 (1995), pp. 23-44.
Li, Guian & Bruce Palmquist. (2007) Opinion: Three Things We Can Learn From Comparing the Chinese and American Education Systems.” Daily Record News.
Martin, John L. Reducing Illegal Immigration: The Options. Sept. 1993. Web. 24 Mar. 2011.
MPI Data Hub. The United States Workforce Characteristics. 2008. Web. 24 Mar. 2011
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