Reaction Paper: Me Governor?: My Life in the Rough and Tumble World of New Jersey Politics

Reaction Paper: Me Governor?: My Life in the Rough and Tumble World of New Jersey Politics


Richard Codey, the 53rd Governor of New Jersey is  a man who changed politics in that region. New Jersey had grown accustomed to poor leadership and governance. Politicians who took power focused on satisfying their individual needs rather than the publics.  The entry of Codey as the governor of New Jersey brought change in the region. Codey’s main interest was streamlining the local government. His determination to change the image of local government began to bear fruits.  Codey interests in the public saw him stabilize the economy of New Jersey.  It also saw him become more popular as he focused on the needs of the masses. Codey gave a financial boost to mental institutions and acknowledged their importance in recovery of patients with mental illnesses.  However, it was not all bliss as Codey made foes and friends. Powerful politicians,  not impressed with  Codey’s approach at politics struggled to end his political life. The book is a must read; it portrays the journey of one ordinary man from Jersey rising to bring change to the people of Jersey.

Book Review

Richard Codey is a politician aligned to the Democratic Party. In the book,  Me Governor?: My life in the rough and tumble world of New Jersey Politics, he discusses his experience as a senator and also governor of New Jersey.  Codey succeeds Governor James McGreevy as governor of New Jersey. This  happens after McGreevy mentioning in a homosexual scandal. Codey admits that when he was informed  about McGreevy’s impending resignation, he was unprepared to be a governor “frankly I had thought more than once about vying for governor, but the timing never seemed right”  (Codey, 2011, p2).

Codey admits that when he took up the role of governor for the first time, he was not thrilled.  Codey had numerous pressing personal matters that had weighed on him over time.  The previous year in 2003, his father had succumbed to Alzheimer’s, a few months later his moths succumbed to cancer. He also was taking care of his wife Mary Jo who  was diagnosed with breast cancer and required a double mastectomy.  The book looks at the life of Codey as the acting governor of New Jersey. Contrary to his predecessor, Codey   was popular among the residents of New Jersey.  The book reveals all the insiders of Codey’s political life. He mentions individuals such as the consultants who helped him strategize on his political ambitions. He also reveals the lawyers who helped him overcome any legal challenges that he encountered. The book also mentions the democrats and republican candidates that  he faced in elections.

Codey also reveals his personal life by discussing his upbringing in his father’s funeral home business.  Codey mentions that his father taught him early that the society had different spheres of influence. As a parking director, his father made it clear that personalities such as politicians and ministers had to get a  parking space.  Codey states “ I had a terrific childhood dominated by family, church and sports. And of course, dead bodies”  (Codey, 2011, p25). Codey also discusses  of the love of his life; Mary Jo. Codey takes readers back to the first time  he met Mary Jo and formed a friendship that  has lasted to date.

After his stint as an acting governor, Codey states that he would have been a contender to reckon with had he run for another  term against republican Doug Forrester.  Codey points out “ I think I could have beaten forester by 15 points instead of the nine that Corzine won by”  (Codey, 2011, p217). Codey points to the fact that numerous New Jersey residents voted for him despite not vying for gubernatorial post.  Codey decided to give up his ambitions for governor after it became apparent that senator Corzine was hugely endorsed and had immense finances to campaign. On the decision not to vie for senatorial posts after his short stint as governor, Codey writes “ I wanted  the state to remain an independent body controlled by its members and not outside forces”  (Codey, 2011, p228).

As acting governor, Codey determination, to make a difference in politics and leadership of New Jersey, saw him decline to have an inauguration celebration.  Codey set a performance strategy  of 14 months to accomplish various task.  Among the issues he focused on was mental health care.

Codey also needed to balance the financial position of New Jersey such that funds went to sectors that required immediate attention.  Codey realized that mental institution had been neglected, and patients were suffering. He state “I got into some interesting things, particularly mental illness, where I helped improve the lives of many patients…”  (Codey, 2011, p43). An inspection of numerous mental institutions indicated that the facilities were neglected. As governor, Codey ensured that a special needs housing trust was established. The trust fund was allocated more than $100, to construct housing units for mentally challenged  citizens. Codey’s wife Mary Jo had suffered from post partum depression thus Codey emphasis on care for mental patients to enhance recovery.

The book is Me Governor?: My life in the rough and tumble world of New Jersey Politics a must read. It demonstrates how an individual can make a difference to a society. When Codey took the role of governor, he found an administration that was corrupt. Control of administrations and leadership was by outside forces. As governor, Codey aimed to restore public faith. Under McGreevy’s administration, the citizens of New Jersey experienced corruption and poor governance.  As governor Codey  advocated for an ethics audit on New Jersey’s government.   He states “ my priorities were clear: overhaul the mental health systems establish stricter ethic laws, increase money for stem cells…”  (Codey, 2011, p159). An independent ethics commission, which comprised of qualified members of the public, was established. Codey’ efforts to streamline the state government saw an end to  rendering of gifts to executive employees. Codey states “ create an independent commission…a ban on executive branch employees accept gifts…”  (Codey, 2011,  p170).

It also saw the introduction of ethics raining where employees  were educated on ethics code of conduct.  Codey also intervened in school by banning trustees from involvement in school affairs. Codey also passed a law that banned smoking in public places thus making public areas people friendly. Financially the state government managed to stabilize under the governance of Codey. To have adequate funds for administration, Codey  ensured that Florham Park accommodated  New Jersey professional football team. This ensured that the players were taxable thus earning revenue to the state.

Reviewing Codey’s book readers realize the need of having credible leadership at the state level. Codey had a clear direction set for New Jersey. His determination to clean the administration he found saw him  create new friends and foes.  The book focuses on reclaiming respectability and glory to state governance.  Codey does not fail; to mention how  wealthy politicians influence endorsements and power. Unfortunately, leaders who join political leadership using these strategies fail to look at the interests of the public.   Politicians pushed to leadership positions are manipulated by their endorsers.

No decision or law passes without their consent. This book is an eye opener to citizens to select leaders interested with the public. Selfish and self centered leaders will amass  political posts for their own gains. They will focus on selecting  friends who will help them gain more power and authority. Corruption and poor governance will be the norm. The book is a lesson to select politicians that  have a focus for the public. It is no use to select leader’s memory because they receive endorsements from other powerful leaders. A true leader should promise positive change. Once in power, the leader should execute the change and guarantee the population a better society.


Richard Codey’s book is  revealing and eye opening.  Codey discusses his unplanned entry into governorship after the resignation of McGreevy. Codey reveals how the struggles to work in an administration that is already tainted by poor leadership and governance. He also brings out the public lost hope for exemplary leadership. Determined to bring change to New Jersey, Codey embarks of a mission to change the face of local government. He introduces a code of ethics that govern the conduct of  employees of government. Codey took over leadership at the  peak of corruption. Weeding out the seed of corruption required streamlining the executive office. The governor banned rewards and gifts. The governor also established ways to improve the financial status of the state without straining the public. In a period of less than four years, Codey manages to improve the economy of the local government. He also manages to  gain the trust of the public who now believed that the government play a vital part in their lives.  The book is a must read;  it portrays the journey of one ordinary man from Jersey rising to make a difference in the lives of the people of Jersey.


Codey, R. (2011). Me, Governor?: my life in the rough and tumble world of New Jersey politics.  Rutgers University Press

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