
   “Understanding reading problems: assessment and instruction” is a book written by Gillet, Temple and Crawford. The authors have used the book to provide help to students having difficulties in reading. It focuses on ELL students who often face challenges when reading. The authors have provided enough materials to help the learner improve his or her reading skills. For example, the book emphasizes on classroom based assessment and teacher driven assessment. The book is important as it helps teacher provide instructors to students who have limited proficiency in English. The book contains spelling stages. In addition, the book contains information to teach student who need special attention. This enables teachers to teach disabled children together with other students in general classroom. The book contains case studies that demonstrate writing skills. This helps students learn how to write and read.

Table of Contents

Chapter three helps the teacher in assessing students. It explains how one should carry out an in-depth assessment of the student. The chapter explains the levels of reading ability and how to provide an informal reading inventory to the student. Informal reading inventory is a survey used by the teacher to determine the instructional needs of the student. The teacher uses the reading inventory to determine the kind of support to give to the students and instructions. Teachers analyze various items using reading inventory. They analyze student’s strengths and weaknesses in word recognition, meaning, comprehension and reading. To administer, the informal reading inventory one should identify a child, prepare a schedule and provide reading material to the student. After that the teacher should assess the student. Then he should document the performance of the student and analyze it. Also, the teacher should write a report and share with other teachers and parents. Moreover, the chapter explains how one should identify a score in an informal reading inventory. The teacher should divide students in two different categories and their score. That is independent, instructional and frustration. Each group has different types of errors. Lastly, the chapter provides information on how one should supplement informal assessment. He should identify another method to replace informal assessment.

Chapter five explains how to assess external audiences using formal measures. The teacher should understand the formal measures when assessing external audience. Also, he should identify features of the tests. For example, he should identify reliability and validity of a test. Then he should be able to interpret the outcome of the tests. The teacher should differentiate a norm referenced test and a criterion referenced test. A norm referenced test is a kind of test that gives an approximation of the position of the person being measured in a population. This is always with respect to the characteristic being measured. A criterion referenced test provides a translation test score on the behavior that is expected of student with such score.

The content from chapter three and five will be used to assess students in the class. The teacher will be able to identify the student weaknesses and strengths in reading or writing. This will help determine the kind of instructions to be provided to the student. For example, after carrying out an assessment the teacher will be able to develop instructions according to student needs. Also, the content will help the teacher assess the student. One will use and information reading inventory to asses students in the classroom.


Gillet, J., Temple, C., & Crawford, A. (2008). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Chapters 3, 5.

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