Reporting Child Abuse And Neglect

Reporting Child Abuse And Neglect

Reporting child abuse and neglect could be an effective strategy for identifying and controlling child abuse and neglect. This is because children rights activists are not everywhere. Reporting by counselors, teachers and other workers would ensure that child abuse and neglect cases get to the right of authorities. Cases, which could not reach the authorities before, would now be able to, and the necessary action taken, this would prevent cases of child abuse and neglect which were unpreventable prior to the implementation of this move.

Secondly children abusers and neglectors will be weary of their actions because they know there are watchdogs from all over around them. They will understand that it will be substantially hard for them to get away with cases of child abuse and neglect; hence the move will reduce such cases. Culprits would be easily noticed and prosecuted; this would discourage the motives of other persons having the intention of performing such heinous acts. The move will also highly elevate the position of children in the society, because members of the society will be monitoring the welfare of the children in the society.

Difficulties may arise on this approach, for example, there may be questions on what amounts to child abuse. Some cases of child abuse may go unreported due to different ideas of the stakeholders. The counselors, teachers and other workers may also fail to report some cases because of close relationships with the perpetrators. Improvement to this legal obligation could be through proper definition of child abuse, so that parents understand disciplinary actions from child abuse. The stakeholders in move should also be made objective and impartial in the reporting of the cases.

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