
Different researchers have used different methods to collect data and analyze it. For example, researchers use observation methods, questionnaires and interviews to collect. The data collection instrument used depends on the kind of research design used. For example, studies that employ qualitative research design and quantitative research design used different methods. Observation method is used when the researcher uses qualitative research design. In addition, researchers who use quantitative research design use interviews and questionnaires. The data collection methods used have various advantages and disadvantages. Fisher and vinesh have used data collection methods that are different from methods used by Mulholland and monoley. This paper analyzes the data collection methods used by Mulholland, Wallace, Fisher and vinesh.


 Part A

Mulholland, Wallace, Fisher and vinesh used different research methodologies. Fisher   and vinesh carried out a study to determine the perception of students had towards web based learning environment. The researchers employed positivism research design in their work. The advances in technology have led to adoption of technology in learning. Most schools have integrated technology in their activities so as to help improve the learning environment. For instance, some schools have integrated web based learning environment in the institution so as to improve student learning. The study carried out by Fisher and Vinesh showed that integrating technology in education helped overcome numerous challenges faced by students when learning. For example, integrating technology helped improve reading science among students. The technology made science more interesting than before. The researchers employed experimentation method to analyze the importance of websites in students learning. The researchers used participants from different classes. A total of 302 students were used from v11 classes. 261 students came from year 9 while 25 students came from year 11. 16 students came from year 12.The researchers used open ended questionnaires, closed ended questionnaires and emails to collect data from the participants. The researchers used experimental method because it helps one carry out experiments when carrying out the research (Fisher &Chandra, 2009).

On the other hand, Mulholland and Wallace carried out a research to determine the experience teachers had when teaching science. The researchers used their own knowledge and experience from the teachers to answer the research questions. The research employed constructive- interpretative research paradigm. The researcher used different data collection tools to collect data from the participants. For example, they used interviews and observation method to collect data. The researchers observed the participants in their in services classes and then interviewed them to learn more about their experience in teaching science. The researchers used the methodology so as to ensure data collected was viable, reliable and valid. The researchers were able to confirm data collected through observation by asking for clarification during interviews. This ensured that data collected was up to date and hence the conclusion made was right (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

Fisher and Vinesh used open ended questionnaires and emails in their research. The open ended questionnaires and closed ended questionnaires have various advantages and disadvantages. Open ended questionnaires are questionnaires that open ended questions. The questions in open ended questionnaires are not structured and they do not have a possible answer. Open ended questionnaires allow the respondent to answer the questions provided in his or her own words. Open ended questions begin with how, when and where. They can also begin with why. Using open ended questionnaires in any study has various advantages. First, open ended questionnaires allow the participants to include different kind of information in the questionnaire. For example, the respondents can include their feelings, attitudes and understanding of the research topic. Including the feelings, understanding and attitudes helps the researcher understand the feelings of the participants better and hence provide valid data. In addition, open ended questionnaires help eliminate response errors. First, the open endeed questionnaires ensure the participants do not forget the answers they have to choose from as they are able to respond freely. The open ended questionnaires do not force the participants to fill in the survey using the answers placed in the box and this ensures data collected is not influenced by the researcher. Moreover, open ended questionnaires allow one to collect extra information from the respondents. For example, the researcher can collect demographic information using open ended questions and hence allow him to use the data during secondary analysis. This is according to fisher and vinesh (2009).

However, open ended questionnaires have various disadvantages. First, open ended questionnaires are time consuming. The researcher takes a lot of time analyzing data collected using open ended questionnaires. This is because open ended questionnaires generate huge amounts of data. This makes it hard for the researcher to analyze the data within the shortest time possible. This is in contrast to closed questionnaires where the amount of data collected is minimal hence the researcher analyzes the data faster. Apart from being time consuming, open ended questionnaires can lead to misinterpretation of data. The investigator can misinterpret data collected and hence affect the final results. This is because the participants answer the questions provided in their own words. Some of the participants might answer the questions directly while others might not thus influencing validity of data collected (Fisher &Chandra, 2009).

Apart from using open ended questionnaires, the researchers also used emails to collect data. Like open ended questionnaires emails have some merits and demerits. First, Emails offer the participants an opportunity to answer questions openly and this ensures data collected is not biased. This is because the investigator is not able to influence response from the participants. Also, using emails to collect data reduces the time needed to collect data and analyze it. This is because the researcher is able to collect data from participants who are geographically distributed. The emails provided automated data and this reduces the research time. However, using emails can affect the validity of the data collected as the participants might not give correct responses. Also, the sampling of the participants is hard when using emails and this affects data collected (Fisher &Chandra, 2009).

Additionally, Mulholland and Wallace used observation method and semi structured questionnaires to collect data. In observation, the researcher is supposed to observe the behavior depicted by various respondents without causing distraction. The observation method has various advantages and disadvantages. First, using observation method to collect data from the participants eliminates biasness. This is because the investigator is not allowed to interrupt the respondents when conducting the study. This makes it hard for the researcher to influence the respondents’ responses and also their behaviors. Hence, this ensures data collected is valid and reliable. On the other hand, it might be time consuming to collect data using observation method. This is because the researcher has to spend a lot of time collecting data. In addition, the researcher is not able to seek any clarification incase he or she does not understand the participants behavior. This affects the final results of the study (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

Lastly, Mulholland and Wallace used semi structured interviews to collect data. Semi structured interviews do not have formal questions and the number of questions is not limited. Semi structured interviews are flexible and allow the researcher to include additional questions during interview. Using semi structured questions in a study has various benefits. First, using semi structured interviews allows the interviewees to express their opinions, feelings and attitudes. This makes it easy for the researcher to understand the participants. It also gives the researcher an opportunity to ask for clarification incase he does not understand the response provided. Semi structured questionnaires can be used to collect data on sensitive topics. It can also be used on a targeted sample. However, semi structured interviews have some disadvantages. The researcher should have interviewing skills so to ensure the data collection process is effective. The researcher is supposed to prepare early so as to ensure the questions are not leading. The investigator should also have skills to analyze data collected and should be able to maintain confidentiality (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

In observation method, Mulholland and Wallace observed the participants during their in service classes to indentify their experiences in teaching science. After that the researchers interviewed the participants to have an in-depth understanding of their experiences. The participants were interviewed several times during their second year of their degree. The participants kept a written journal of their experiences. The researchers used semi structured questions at the end of the final year. The interview focused on the experience of the teachers in the field. Data collected from the interview and observation was analyzed using analytic induction. The investigators read data sources and marked events, transactions that were inline with the research objective. The results from the study were first shared with teachers and later changed. The experiences of the participants were first described in stories that focused on development of the participants as learners and science teachers. Then the experiences were analyzed using analytic induction (Mulholland, 2003).Also, fisher and vinesh read the emails and answers to the questions. Then indentified important points and recorded them. The researchers used Microsoft Access database to record the responses. The data collected was coded and analyzed using SPSS (Fisher &Chandra, 2009).

Fisher and Vinesh research was aimed at determining the perception of students on web based learning environment as stated earlier (Fisher &Chandra, 2009). The methodology and research merhods used were effective as they helped the researchers answer the research questions and achieve the research objective. This is evidenced by the conclusion made by the researchers. The results from the study showed that students had a positive perception towards web based learning environment. The results from the study showed that web learning through Getsmart in science helped create autonomy in learning and enabled students to work at their own pace. The researchers were able to answer their research questions well. For example, the researchers determined if the teacher factor affected learning. The results from the research proved that the teacher had minimal influence on students’ performance. In addition, Mulholland and Wallace were able to achieve their research objective and answer their research questions. The researchers noted that teachers had different experiences when teaching science. They also determined the influence of border crossing on teaching science. The research findings proved that teachers are affected by different borders and this affects their performance and experienced in teaching science (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

The researchers have described their research methods and methodology well. For example, fisher and vinesh have stated clearly the research methods they used and the advantages of the research methods (Fisher &Chandra, 2009). Also, the research methodology used in the paper is effective and this has made the results of the study valid. Also, the research methods used by Mulholland and Wallace are well described. The researchers have stated how each of the research method was used. In addition, they have described their methodology well and this has made the results reliable (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

The researchers have used different methods in their studies. For example, Mulholland and Wallace and monoley have used different research methods in their study (Moloney, 2009). Using a wide range of research methods in a study has various advantages. First, it ensures the results and data collected are valid and reliable. This is because using a wide range of research methods eliminates subjectivity. It also helps overcome the weaknesses of various research methods. For example, using semi structured interviews and observation helped eliminate the weaknesses of the methods and thus ensured data collected is valid. For example, observation method does not allow the researcher to seek for clarification, but interviews do (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).

I am convinced of the conclusions made in the two papers. This is because they are valid and relevant to student learning. First, use of web based learning environment in learning institutions helps enhance the learning environment and this improves students’ perception towards various subjects like science. Most studies have proved that students have positive perception towards technology based learning environment as they influence learning positively. Also, teachers teaching science have different experience and this affects their performance and students’ performance. Hence, the conclusions made are true (Mulholland &Wallace, 2003).


Fisher,D.L.,&Chandra,V.(2009).Students perception of blended web based learning environment. Learning  environment res, Vol 21,page 31-44

Moloney,J.(2009).Engaging in action research. A personal and professional journey towards inquiry into teacher morale in senior secondary college. Education action research, vol 17, issue no 2,page 181-195

Mulholland, J.,&Wallace,J(2003).Crossing  borders. Learning and teaching primary science in pre service to in service transition. International journal of science education, Vol 25, Issue no 7, page 879-89

Part B

Research problem

The research will determine how classroom management helps develop good learning environment and improve class organization and decision making (LiWai-Shing, 2008).

 Statement of problem

Classroom management has different effect on the performance of students. Poor classroom management affects the performance of the students negatively. Many researchers have conducted studies to determine the effect of classroom management on student’s achievement. The studies have proved that classroom management has an impact of numerous things. First, classroom management has an impact on the learning environment. Poor classroom management affects the learning environment and makes it hard for students to perform well. A large percentage of researchers argue that poor classroom management influences the reading environment and learning environment and hence affects students understanding. Students who learn in poor environment find it difficulty to comprehend the content being taught unlike students who learn in the right environment. Good classroom management helps create a learning environment that is fit for all the students and this enables the students to perform well. Additionally, the researchers argue that the kind of classroom management evidenced in a learning institution tell more about the teachers. First, the classroom management tells more about the teacher’s belief on instructions and the learning process. Teachers who create good learning environment ensure the learning process is effective and they are commitment in improving student’s performance. On the other hand, teachers who are not able to develop the right learning environment have poor perception about the learning process and are not committed in improving the students’ performance (LiWai-Shing, 2008).

Other researchers have proved that classroom management affects the delivery of instructions to students. Teachers deliver instructions to students in different ways. The kind of method used to deliver instructions to students affects the behavior of the students. Teachers who guide students in the class affect the students’ behavior and performance negatively. This is because students who are guided by the instructor are always lazy and find it hard to work on their own. On the other hand, students who are not guided by the teacher have good behaviors. The students learn to work on their own. Though classroom management has a lot of benefits to learning institutions like improving decision making process, most schools are not able to manage the classes well. This is because of poor classroom management strategies. The schools have recorded poor performance for the last few years as the students performance has declined. Teachers can improve decision making and learning environment in schools by adopting the right classroom management strategies. Reinforcement methods are part of classroom management strategies. Poor reinforcement methods influence students’ performance negatively. This is because the student is not motivated (Stone, 2005).

 Research questions

The researcher will use the following questions. The research questions are based on the statement of problem above. The research questions include;

How can classroom management help organize classrooms and enhance decision making?

How does classroom management help create an effective learning environment? (Stone, 2005).

Research methodology

The research will employ constructive- interpretative research design. This is because the research design allows the researcher to observe the participants and answer the research questions. It also allows the researcher to answer research questions using his knowledge and experience of the respondents. The researcher will use questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Then code data collected and analyze it using SPSS (Cryer, 2006).

Research methods

 How can classroom management help organize classrooms and enhance decision making?

1. The first research question will be answered using both open ended questionnaires and closed ended questionnaires. Using open ended questioners in the study will ensure

2. The participants are able to give their responses freely. This will help eliminate biasness and subjedctivity.

3. The open ended questionnaires will help one understand the feeling and opinion of the participants.

4. The open ended questionnaires produce large amount of data that delays the analysis. The researcher spends a lot of time coding and analyzing data collected. The researcher will use closed ended questionnaires to ensure data generated is not large and hence ensure data collected is analyzed quickly.

5. In addition, the closed ended questionnaires will ensure the responses provided by the respondents are standardized and thus make the results valid (Cryer, 2006).

How does classroom management help create an effective learning environment?

1. The second question will be answered using interviews. The researcher will interviews the participants to get information about how classroom management can help create good learning environment.

2. Using interviews will help the researcher gather data from a wide range of participants. For example, the researcher will be able to gather data from people who are not able to read and write.

3. It will also help the interviewer get clarification from the respondents. However, using interviews might make the results subjective as the researcher might influence the responses. This will in turn affect the results and conclusion made (Cryer, 2006).

Quality of research

The quality of the study will be determined by various things. For exampled, the quality of the study will be determined by reliability and validity of the data collection methods and the research design used. The data collection methods used to collect data should be valid and reliable. Reliability means the consistence of a measurement. In this case, the data collection tools used should be able to give similar results under different conditions. The questionnaires and interviews used should give similar results when used in different conditions. The study should be valid. That is the study should have internal validity, external, construct valid and conclusion validity (Cryer, 2006).


In conclusion, the research methods used in a study differ a lot. The research questions have various advantages and disadvantages. There are wide range of methods that can be used to collect data like questionnaires, observation, interviews and emails. The researcher should select the right method when carrying out the study as the kind of method selected affects the study differently.


 Cryer,P.(2006).The Research Student’s Guide to Success. McGraw-Hill International

LiWai-Shing,H.(2008).Classroom Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment. Hong Kong University Press

Stone,R.(2005).Best classroom management practices for reaching all learners: what award-winning classroom teachers do. Corwin Press

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