
In Romans 1:20 it states that since creation of the world the invisible qualities of God, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen and are being understood from what has been made. Therefore the mankind is left without the excuse of why not to belief that there is God and that they should know him. The fact that God exists is evident in this creation. We see that the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all that that is not Godly and righteous within men. Everything that men know about God is evident from what he has created. This is to mean that the creation acts as the evidence to the existence of the living God.

Although men knew God they are not honoring Him as God; they even don’t give thanks, men have been speculative but they have become ineffective in their own speculations. Their foolish hearts were darkened; though they professed to be wise they became fools.

The letter to Romans by Paul portrays turning to sin as stupidity. When men in their own thinking reject the revelation of God they become stupid. They think that righteousness is the stupid thing. Paul puts it clear that although men claimed to be wise they became fools. This was in connection to rejecting what was right.

Sin is also enslaving. Paul says that when we are in sin we can’t master it but it masters us. Paul states clearly that we become slaves of whom we obey. If we obey sin then we are its slave. He goes ahead to state that if all men are slaves of sin or righteousness.

The consequence of sin is death in its totality. Sinners are seen to pass through dreadful suffering even in the hell and they all deserve this.

Paul wrote to Romans and told them that salvation is a free gift from God to the people. He tells them that one can’t earn this gift but they should reach out and be given it. He tells them that one should ask God to forgive them and save them. Salvation here is seen to be the liberation from sin.

Jesus Christ came as a son of God to deliver us from sin. He was given by God to save mankind and restore the lost love of God to the people on earth. He was to wipe out the wicked nature that was placed in him when fall into sin in Garden of Eden.

Romans teach us that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. To love him here means to seek, to trust, to submit to him and to obey him. It states that those who know God he has also planned for them since beginning. The will of God on us is that we be like holy like Jesus was holy. We should present ourselves as vessels to god so that he can use us.

In Romans the Christians are urged to live in love amongst them. This is seen to be the uniting factors in their midst. They are urged to love their neighbors as well as their enemies. If love prevailed among them then everything else will run smoothly.

In Romans creation is said to reveal the goodness of God. God made nature to be full of revelations about who he is. We see God to have a divine nature. He is the one and the only God in whom we are answerable to.

God is seen to have the eternal power and the only power and the spirit of nature he is the power of the spirit Godhead. It is hard for one to depart from the truth for God there is that spirit that God has restored in us that guides us in choosing what is right or wrong.

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