Rough And Tumble Play And Dorminance Hierarchies


            This text explains the adaptive value of rough and tumble play and dominance hierarchies. I also look at the kind of learning climate my parents and/or coaches created and the impact I believe they had on my development.

Rough and tumble play and dominance hierarchies: the adaptive value

            According to Bishop et al. (2001), the rough and tumble play has variously been brought out as a wide range of behaviors including but not limited to play fight, chase etc. which in most instances influence a positive outlook amongst the players towards one another. In the last few decades, there have been growing concerns with regard to th time that is allocated for play amongst children. This has gone ahead to raise concerns regarding the declining socialization capabilities between young people as well as the society. To bring up adults that are socially competent,  Bishop et al. (2001) notes that the importance of Rough and tumble play cannot be overstated due to its developmental benefit for youngsters with regard to establishing a working collaboration with members of the same age group.

When I was young, I did participate in adult-organized sports. The parents and coaches often created a conducive climate for learning. They set up sports that demanded the participation of all youngsters irregardless of their backgrounds in terms of race, gender, social status or even ethnic group. With regard to my development, I do believe the experience improved as well as enhanced my social and interactive skills. This skills, I must say, have come in handy in my adult life.


It is important to state that in the current day and age, the profile of free social play should be elevated and treated as an important development aspect. In this regard, free social play should complement adult organized sports.


Bishop, J. & Curtis, M. (2001). Play Today in the Primary School Playground. Buckingham:OU Press.

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