The Salience Of A Career Calling Among College Students
The Salience Of A Career Calling Among College Students
The salience of a career calling among college students: exploring group differences and links to religiousness, life meaning and life satisfaction
This study was done for purposes of determining the extent to which college students in their first year of study endorse a career calling as well as how the extent of calling comes about to be different as far as a number of issues are concerned including but not limited to life satisfaction and meaning as well as religiousness and demographic variables. The study was also meant to explore as well as examine the specific student populations or groups leaned more towards career calling as well as well as determine the link between life satisfaction, life meaning and religiousness with career calling. In this regard, it is important to note that the piece carries out a satisfactory review of literature that is highly relevant in this area and hence it can be said to be reliable and conclusive.Concerning how the research was done, the authors chose a total of 5523 participants who were largely students reporting for their first year.
The research was observed gender balance with about 49 participants being male and 51% participants being male. Racial diversity was also a consideration in this research and we had varying percentages of African Americans, native American, Asian Americans as well as Latino Americans. Further, the participants were picked from a wide range of religious affiliations with some participants being picked from the Roman Catholic denomination and others from the protestant, Muslim and Hindu affiliations. When it comes to the career calling presence, the measures utilized by this study included a two-item scale. The other construct that used a two-item scale measure was the search for calling with the other constructs using different measures. The methods of data collection in this case include questionnaires as well as online surveys.
The flip side of Holland Type congruence: incongruence and job satisfaction
This study concerned itself with the relationship existing between the Holland type congruence as well as incongruence. The study also carried out tests to determine whether congruence and incongruence were either positive or negatively related. It also sought out to find which kind of variables the congruence and incongruence were. In addition to seeking to chart the relationship of these two, the study also went ahead to seek how each contributed towards job satisfaction, that is, how each predicted job satisfaction and by which extent. In this regard, it may be helpful to note that in the discussion section of the study, the authors note that congruence ended up being ‘lukewarm’ job satisfaction predictor and indeed was a weaker indicator when compared to incongruence.
Further, the study found out that a negative relationship best describes the relation between congruence and incongruence. Further, the authors went ahead to predict that the correlation of congruence and incongruence would be largely non redundant but largely negative.When it comes to how the study was carried, it is important to note that the total sample consisted of three hundred and thirty four participants (334) and of these participants; one hundred and forty seven (147) were men while one hundred and eighty seven (187) were women. The age of the participants also variously varied with the mean age being given to be 29 years. The instruments in this case included strong interest inventory, as well as quality of employment survey. Lastly, it is important to note that the C index was used to compute congruence.
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