Sports and Globalization

 The book How Soccer Explains the World: an Unlikely Theory of Globalization by Foer Franklin is well divided into self contained chapters. It is quick to read, none challenging and interesting.  Foer presents an analysis of the changes soccer has brought to the global economy. The story that the author presents are all set in various stadiums of the world with an attempt to highlight current events in the world from the standpoints politics and economical view. Soccer today acts a global medium that explains the effects experienced by the whole society out of globalization. The major theme of the book is the rise of corporate hegemons, the failures of globalization, and persistence of tribalism and nationalism.

The failures of globalization are explained in the first part of the book. Here, Foer states that globalization has failed to erode the hatred that has existed since the ancient times between the giant rivals of the game. This rivalry is commonly as football hooliganism.  The theme of the rise of corporate hegemons falls under the second part of the text.  This theme address the role of soccer in economics with reference to persistence corruption,  the effects of migration, the rise of powerful oligarchs like the President of the AC Milan Club and of Italy- Silvio Berlusconi (Foer, 2004 , p5).

The third theme is on the persistence of tribalism and nationalism.  Foer defends the old traditional virtues of nationalism with the aim of returning tribalism (Foer, 2004, pp 6).  The book therefore challenges the universal theories, the philosophy of the global which undermines local nationalism. Structures such as the United Nations and the European Union according to Foer may have attained structural dominance. But underneath these structures there are tribal loyalties and subcultures which are still vibrant that have remained to modern day.  These tribal, cultures, and tribalism aspects have further been strengthen by the internet which is a modern challenge of communication. Foer advices that we should not really hope that there will be absolute unity in the future out of globalization which is much sought by political elites and bureaucratic who are global. The corporate oligarchs are all after the benefit of globalization. This is not possible because national and ethnic conflicts have increased and fragmented the desires of global unity.

Soccer is more than a way of life or event just a game.  Soccer has been used as the window into various activities in the world today despite its sorrows and joy. Foer presents a remarkable insightful book that gives a wide range of  reports on soccer.  He gives issues on international economy and on clash of civilization and various issues that fall in between. This book makes sense of our troubled times due to globalization (Foer, 2004, p 203).

The topic of new global economy is put in reference to soccer. Though the subtitle of the book talks about soccer, Foer has hardly used the game to develop a theory .This therefore, creates some misleading feelings to the readers. He uses soccer to develop the body of the book in reference to various countries. This makes us to understand how forces in the international level can affect life and politics around the globe.  The book presents colorful reports, insightful analysis, and strong characters.

Foer shows how troops were organized by a soccer thug in Serbia.  This scene is found in one of the compelling chapters of the book. In the Balkan war, the troops committed atrocities and when the war came to an end at least two thousand Bosnia and Croats had been killed by the thug men.  The thug men had been helped by one of the Serbia leader.  The leaders went ahead and bought his own club of soccer and intimidated other clubs through bribery and so they lost most of the games played with his club.  He was killed in 2000 (Foer, 2004, p 113).

Nationalism and sports

Foer presents other fascinating and least gruesome stories in the book content. He talks of racism, crude hatred and acts against Semitism which are displayed in various soccer stadiums around the world. Each of this aspect has its own content which is fascinating.  For example, he presents the country of Scotland which the team managers have kept a religious hatred to the present day.  This hatred among the managers is for the purpose of selling team merchandise and selling tickets of the team. As a diehard soccer enthusiast, Foer is not anti-globalism. Another scenario is in Iran where soccer acts as a force of modernization.  In Iran, women are forced by the police to attend soccer stadium which are often filled by mean.  This is done with the purpose of creating a larger crowd to celebrate Iran’s national team especially when they are competing against international teams (Foer, 2004, p 13).

Franklin Foer just like Tom Wolfe has managed to create a theory of Pop Art and Expressionalism.  Foer believes that the game of soccer explains everything from hooliganism to democracy.  From Islamic democracy and prospect that is nebulous to globalization hatred and finally the disintegration of the nation of Yugoslavia.  Foer does not however, fully explain how soccer can be likened to various cultural phenomena and even explain the aspect.  However, the book manages to fascinatingly expose to the readers how the world of soccer is. Foer has managed to support his book with valid evidence which may have also put his life in contradiction with others and at risk.

This is seen in one of the research he carried out in Eastern Europe with soccer fans.  The fans were against him interviewing them. Foer devoted his quality time in The New Republic for six months. Most of the times he was with cretins all the way from Glasgow to Belgrade.  He also wanted to find out why most of the football players do not want to play in Brazil so he had to travel to this country to do his research. He has extensively researched the history of soccer in various locations like in London, Vienna and Australia. Part of his research also touched on the long forgotten team of the Jewish of the 1920. This team was from Vienna and rules the Australian foot ball for some time.  But when the team visited the America, it fell apart.  They resided in New York City and forgot all about Mitteleuropa (Foer, 2004, p 24).

Foer also based his research that is evidently seen in his book, on aspects of Ukrainian football, and those of Nigeria. The Nigerians, as written in the book have managed to put a mysterious brand on of their team and mathematical calculations in soccer which they have never succeed. About football in the United States, the game is generally ridiculed, played badly and ignored. Foer has also achieved to include stories of American pundits, sportswriters.  There is lack of the professionals and shock jocks about the sport. All these readings make a very interesting and engaging reading of the book.  Foer is credited for writing a paean about soccer which is a game that he loves.  He has provided a great deal of ammunition that would attract even those who loathe soccer.


Foer, F (2004) How soccer explains the world: an unlikely theory of globalization
Publisher Harper Collins, pp 6- 230

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