Successful Aging

Successful Aging


Studies have associated the aspect of successful ageing with the concept of wellness, but in some instances people confuse it with the concept of health. Wellness and health are two different things that and should not be used interchangeably. Wellness is the balance between different life aspect such as spiritual, emotional, environment, physical, emotional, cultural, health, and social among others. It is clear that health is an aspect in the concept of wellness. Different definitions of successful aging continue developing with research done on the aged people. This essay will look at the concept of successful aging and develop an interview on a client on the aspect of successful aging. The essay will apply different concepts and theories of successful aging as well as determining whether the interviewee qualifies for successful aging.



Evidence shows that research and investigation on the concept of successful aging in the recent years has increased. The ideology used in this study, and research is based on the lifespan where results show that baby boomers are the beneficial of the said concept. The increase in life span is what constitutes to the idea of successful aging in the current times. People who were born right after the Second World War is in the bracket of successful aging. According to different studies conducted on the concept of successful aging, results show that life has changed because people are living past the retirement unlike in old days. Apart from this people are finding ways, to extend their life even after they have accomplished their goals. Different ideas have developed on the secret behind successful aging and concepts that these people apply in order to have such an extended life than ever before, (Whitbourne & Whitbourne, 2010).

Physical aging

The idea of successful aging revolves around the concept of wellness in the individual’s life. Wellness encompass different life concepts that an individual should manipulate in the right direction in order to achieve desired outcomes in life. Different people apply these concepts of wellness in different dimensions, but the overall goal is to live a happy life that increases lifespan. Maintaining physical health is one of the elements of wellness used by different people. Study shows that the aging groups has maintained and are still working on the common elements of wellness in order to have successful aging. Although most seniors are not aware of benefits they get from taking physical activities, evidence shows that aging people engage in physical activities that help them prevent some diseases, (Whitbourne & Whitbourne, 2010).


In my interview, I was able to interview a client who was 65 years old. She is the mother of four children and the second in her family. The client  worked in a telecommunication company for over thirty five years as a branch manager. According to this person, maintaining health is not that relevant but it helps someone live happily. The client emphasized on healthy eating and physical activities in order to live long and age successfully.

Theories and concepts of successful aging


Successful aging concept revolves around the aspect of wellness in a person and within the environment. My interviewee is one of successful aging people in the present times. Marriage is a social institution and plays vital roles in creating a healthy environment between the couple and the family in general. The client has stayed in her marriage since she got married to her husband. They got four children and brought up them together in harmony. Health relationships helps individuals feel comfortable with their life something that prevents them from developing diseases such as high blood pressure or heart attack. When two people stay in marriage without many problems and challenges, they help each other in solving problems that might affect their health. Evidence shows that in the current times the rate of divorce is high for the new generation compared to that of the past generation. Different studies show that divorce reduces the life span of an individual. Since individuals born after the Second World War have a low level of divorce rate. This is the reason why their life span has increased even after they have gone for retirement unlike in the past or in the current times, (Whitbourne & Whitbourne, 2010). Work, Leisure, and Retirement.

Working environment has contributed a lot in the aging process of the aging people. Unlike in the current generation, aged people have had the best working environment that helps them relate well with fellow workmates. Research shows that the type of working conditions for the aging group has enabled them increase their life span. Self determination theory explains that the aged groups are easily motivated as compared to the upcoming generation. This has helped them feel satisfied with their position something that positively contributes towards their successful aging process. The aging group plans on their retirement by developing certain goals they want to achieve when retirement time comes. This has enabled them live focused and healthy because they accomplish their set goals as expected. Affective evaluation theory explains the concept of positive and negative satisfaction in the workplace. When individuals become satisfied with working condition he or she tends to have a healthy life that increases his life span and contributes to his aging process. The client has stayed at the position of manager for that long simply because she was satisfied, (Whitbourne & Whitbourne, 2010). Health and prevention.

Health and prevention are two concepts that contribute towards  successful aging. According to my client, healthy eating has enabled her maintain her body shape and prevents the development of unhealthy eating conditions. Individuals under the bracket of aging group have better eating habits as compared to the current generations. Baby boomers have increased their life span by eating healthy something that prevents them from experiencing unhealthy conditions. Evidence shows that most aging people engage in physical activities something that helps them reduce chances of getting diseases that may reduce their life span. Physical activities are known in prevention of blood pressure, heart attack, and colon cancer conditions that reduce an individual’s life span. Healthy eating also helps develop a better aging process because the person prevents cases of diabetes, obesity and overweight, coronary heart attacks, and cardiovascular diseases among others,, (Whitbourne & Whitbourne, 2010).


Whitbourne, K. S. & Whitbourne, B. S. (2010). Adult Development and Aging: Biopsychosocial Perspectives: John Wiley & Sons

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