Successful Implementation of Health Information Technology

Successful Implementation of Health Information Technology


Information and technology systems have revolutionized the health care departments into various dimensions.Nursing services without health information technology (HIT) have no significance in this revolutionized world. In nursing realm, the health care information software has simplified the processes in enormous magnitudes. A remarkable innovation methodology has to be implemented while developing such health information technology systems. In specific terms, the new HIT system development to enrich the nursing health care processes should follow an innovative strategy to stimulate the end users to utilize the technological potentials (Alkhafaji, Salah Sriram, B 2012). This study deals with the steps of system development life cycle, the nurse’s contribution to decisions made at each stage of HIT development, and consequences of not involving nurses in this process among others.

                              The steps of systems development life cycle (SDLC):

The nurses cannot hope, anymore than software designers can, that the new HIT system itself will strongly affect the ways in which the end users, particularly nurses, regardless of the assessment schedules put in place or the resource restrictions under which the nurses work. In health care systems, technology systems simplify the workload, which is manually done, hence successful end results.  The steps of system development life cycle are:

$11.      Strategic Planning- on the HIT system possibility and applicability towards enhancing information delivery processes, as well as, procedures.

$12.      Analysis- of the HIT systems on their effectiveness and capabilities of the end users to use the system.

$13.      Designing-of the system’s efficiency, towards improving the health care services.

$14.      Implementation- of the HIT systems in consideration to eventual achievable output.

$15.      Maintenance- of the entire system.  (Alkhafaji, Salah Sriram, B 2012 p128-137)

Steps the organization undertakes when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system:

In the health care organization, purchasing and implementation of new HIT systems is the mandate of the managing director in conjunction with the financial department.  In the analysis process, the organization decides whether it will develop the HIT system within (i.e., make) or acquire the system from a third party (i.e., purchase). Furthermore, during the system analysis, the organization needs to consider and determine the characteristics the new system must enclose. Without, a well comprehended and recorded aim for end user requirements, the chance of a successful development process is not possible. The second step, HIT system design undertakes, needs to determine the detail of the system to be expanded within/ in-house or purchased that will convene those needs.

In addition, the infrastructure and hardware to support this new system get included in this step. Immediately the designing process is complete, the step is third becomes the implementation of the new HIT system. With a newly bought/purchased system, the implementation includes configuring the software, as well as, training users, data conversion, and executing other physical activities. Additionally, Programming process and testing of codes is undertaken for an in-house system development.  The fourth step, which is the final phase, of the SDLC becomes the system’s function.  As if not enough, this step involves reviews of post- implementation, which is used in evaluating the project.  This step is imperative because merit and demerits of this project provide recommendable lessons for future projects (Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Richard B. Dull, & Patrick R. Wheeler 2011).

The nurse could contribute ideas such as; the areas to be given more attention in the first step of the process, helping in the analysis process, as well as, implementation and maintenance of the project in her own knowledge and experience. The consequences of not involving the nurse, could be, lack of proper ideas to get beginner analysis and implementation, the end user’s inability to operate the new HIT system.  Additionally, the project could fail, because the nurses as the end user could miss the basic requirements of operating this system.

The end user feels obliged to the whole process of planning of the new HIT system, because the basic part of the operation depends on the understanding of the entire planning from the first step to the last. Therefore, it is imperative for the end user to contribute in selecting and implementing new technology.


Alkhafaji, Salah Sriram, B (2012): Education Software Development Life Cycle StagesChinese Business review, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p128-137, 10p retrieved from ebscohost machine.

Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Richard B. Dull, & Patrick R. Wheeler (2011): Accounting Information systems retrieved on 3rd Oct 2012 from

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