
 Journal Fringe: Season 3, Episode 17 – Stowaway

In the movie there are spoilers and this is much of what this movie is mostly all about.

Olivia’s consciousness is just resting in the back of the head. Bell had planned this all along; he gave her the magnets of the soul in her tea when he met her in her office on the other side ages ago. This sounds to be very awesome. Now Walter needs to find a more suitable home for the consciousness of Bell. This must be very interesting. Astrid says that she likes the very uncomfortable way. Astrid says respond by saying thanks you to when Bell when she says that she has beautiful hands. The snickering together of Bell and Walter like schoolboys makes me appreciate it.

I had visions of exorcism of Bell when Broyles talks of 48 hours to find a new and better host and then wants them get out his agent or else he will have Bishop figure decide to get them out. Peter seems disturbed that Leonard Nimoy is in possession of his girlfriend due to some reason. There is a very strange scene when a woman arrives on a rooftop to try to persuade a man so that he doesn’t kill himself. Her efforts fail but she decides to go over a ledge with him. She also climbs off the dead body of the man unharmed.

It is exciting on the story of the universe version of Lincoln Lee. I have been pondering about him. On this side he is an agent of FBI, she apparently seems to be looking out for a woman who can’t die: Dana Gray. This woman was however killed some 18 months ago. Her fingerprints were found in another scene a while ago. This sounds funny. Lincoln is afraid that people will think that he his not sane. When he asks where the place really was, Peter tells him that it is place where mysteries get answered. There is a lot of suturing in the scenes of film. Hyper reality is also portrayed in scenes like the undying woman, melodrama is also very evident.

Journal of Fringe season 3 episode 21 – “The last Sam Weiss”

The title of the episode is interesting. There is a suggestion that there were multiple Sam Weisses.

The Peter’s hooked up to an easily readable monitor of the heart, though Walter insists on taking his pulse in the old fashioned way with a watch and his fingers. Walter is not willing to leave the bed side of Peter. He is however lured away from it by Astrid by promising him a pudding of tapioca. This man is a friend of pudding. When a family is driving along a highway it gets nearly struck by another apocalyptic anomaly, this anomaly involves a lot of lightning. The soundtrack shows riders of the storm. Very nice one

Sam says that the machine is repelled peter because it thought that he was already inside and was rejecting any one else. This shows a lot of hyper reality. Olivia is worried of what will happen if Peter gets into the machine. Walter expected lightning to occur and he is less worried about it. When Astrid asks Walter to investigate the lighting he shifts his mind to something else which is not very appealing. He talks about going to pick his kite.

All the ancestors of Sam were named Sam Weiss as well. One dug up the ancient manuscript, with the other writing a book on it, many others engaged in searching for the missing parts. Walter claimed that he was fully insulated when Astrid questioned about his holding of kite. Peter fails to mention his name to the nurse who asks his name. The nurse though tells him not to move around and get lost because he will be needed tom save the world.

Many fringe events are marked by Astrid influenced by Walter and finds they are clustered around two points which are the cluster of the machine and the Islands of liberty. Broyles asks whether they want to move their machine 100 miles and over water and park it at an offshore from the most densely populated city in the country. Peter and Olivia part emotionally.

Journal for Fringe Season 3, episode 20 – 6:02 AM EST

We check out on the other side. I suspected that they are using the blood of the Peter’s child to active the machine for the doomsday. Walternate makes the requisite Oppenheimer reference and pulls out that hoary old quote of his about destroying worlds. It is worrying that Walter wants to destroy a world where Peter is in. I thought this was sort of peter getting back. On our side events that are apocalyptic continue to occur. Sheep are seen to act in a strange manner with locust plagues. This looks very nice.

I like the naming of the bowling guy Donny. Thoughtfully it is safe to assume that a big Lebowski reference with awkward happenings going on at the alley, with balls acting up and Sam pulls one of them out of a safe and they start moving on their own which show they are bad. Olivia feel unsafe in the bishops house and moves to the Walters house. He recommends that she bring herself the next time because it may get colder.

Walter takes the happenings like the world are falling apart and probably he is right. The doomsday machine came on by itself at 6:02 AM EST. Walter quickly determines that the machine on that side turned on because Walternate had turned it on from the other side. This response was very sympathetic due to the quantum of entanglement. This shows hyper reality.

Peter finally comes up a solution for the action I recommended; he suggests that he be put on the machine. Walter claims that he be given the keys and the girl be saved. The girl is said to have been preparing him for she knew I was to let him go. Walter was to sacrifice Peter so as to fix a problem. Peter knew he was to do that but he couldn’t do it without the help of the Walter. Sam suddenly reviews himself and asks Olivia to take him to where the machine was. There is an interesting twist of events here. Walternate come to visit Bolivia in the cell where he had imprisoned Olivia. There is a real effort for continuity in this episode.

Journal for Fringe – Season 3, Episode 19 – “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide”

It looks like at last they found a body that meets all the requirements of Bell and they will try to jump him into it. Astrid calls Walter Wally. Peter is somehow worried about the safety of the procedure as far as Olivia is concerned. He is however assured by Walter in his own fashion that the mind of Olivia is resting peacefully. The procedure fails to work but later Olivia suddenly comes to the surface again and has a seizure. Unusually they immediately call the emergency number 911. Walter seems very much suited to care for women as he is seen interfering with the work of doctors till Bell comes.

Bells feel that something should be done if Olivia was to come to her body for his calculations were not right. They wish to achieve this by use of a technique they had invented earlier. The mad science is seen to work here with the characters tripping on LSD. Peter and Walter enter the dreamscape of Olivia. Every one is dressed in black as if they broke into the closet of Olivia. Walter recognizes the stepfather of Olivia from the crowd. Everyone stops and looks at them.

The mental landscape is turned against her and she is in the mode of fear with the bad things from the past attacking her. She has turned against them and they have to find her in away. Broyles is very amusing on the acid. Peter says that he has a thought that he can find where Olivia would hide; they then get away from a pack of Zombies through Zeppelin.

Walter is worried that he cant deal with the coming things without the help of Bell. A stranger is in the engine room of the Zeppelin, he dumps the fuel and jumps out with a parachute. Walter falls out with him and the Walter hits the ground, he wakes up back in the lab. Bell is gotten rid of again, which is very bad. Some fun dialogue moments in this one and some cool stuff in the world of dream.

Journal of Fringe: Season 3, Episode 18 – Bloodline

The dialogue between the Bolivia and Peter about what happens to him sounds to be the worst exchange of words in the entire Fringe. Bolivia was pregnant peter seems to have forgotten that. Bolivia is in a deadly condition likely to affect both the child and her. She wants to abort as well. She is under observation always. It is evident that Lincoln has some affection towards Bolivia. Bolivia was kidnapped and the kidnappers seems like they want to make her abort. They are administering a sedative through a pill, Bolivia is likely to fake the pill and out win them.

The Bolivia’s kidnappers could be trying to help her and her baby though the procedure they are using is not the best one. Olivia’s were switched according to Walternate who claim that he is not ready to lose her grandchild although they lost a son. He is ready to do anything to safe the situation. Bolivia tries to convince the nurse to help her but if it fails to work they will have to fight for it. Bolivia escapes and tries to tell Lincoln of where she is but she is not clear.

The kidnappers worked to help Bolivia without her knowledge and therefore she escaped. This makes us ask about what else we could be in darkness about. The kidnapers of Bolivia are the same people who take the baby’s blood to the hospital. As far as I am concerned this episode is completed ridiculous from beginning to the end. Some moments were effective emotionally but logically it did not make any sense at all. The character of Bolivia was funny because she turned out to be a person who things happened to instead of a person who did things. She escaped her kidnappers but they had already done what they needed to do at that time.

Journal of Fringe: Season 3 – Episode 16 “Os”

The episode starts with Walter smoking a bong. They are doing it with Hurley as he tells him about a time when he bedded Yoko Ono. This is great. Hurley turns out to be a security guard and he got the night shift watching the surveillance of monitors. This job sounds appealing to Walter. Some dude are climbing up a wall at a depository of metal, it is revealed that they are climbing down it.

Peter has not yet told any body except his father that he hunted down and killed the shape shifters and that he had harvested all their memory discs. Walter is ridiculously pleased about the burgeoning relationship between Peter and Olivia. Walter talks about using the soul magnets of Bell idea in order to bring him back. Walter who is very down on himself lately convinced he just cant hack it and needs the help of Bell.

The story of the mad scientist comes up a little more into focus. His son is seen in a wheel chair. He has perfected his technique and gives his son a gift of a safe flight by use of other people as guinea pigs. A son confronts his father and finally reveals the terrible crimes he committed as Peter and Walter looks on. Peter decide to say his secrets to Olivia. I imagine that Olivia will not receive the revelations very well. He tells her that he murdered all those guys and led them on a wild goose chase that one time.

I think I have to go ahead and swallow this but there is a pretty ridiculous turn of events. The soul magnet seemed like just a passing reference without future. It is hard to make out with a lady when you already know she is really in love with another person unless you are very much in to her.

Journal for Fringe: Season 3, Episode 13 – Subject 13

The opening is very horrific. Peter who is now on the other side but still aware that the people he’s with are not really his parents, (how did they make him forget that fact any way?) makes a decision to go home through the doorway he remembers. The LakeReiden. He goes out on the thin ice of the lake during the winter and then tries to break it open with a block of cinder that he is tied to his body. This sound to very intense. The credits of opening are the old and we might have seen them before. We also get to see the young Walter working with the little kids of Cortexiphan.

Peter has a clear remembrance of the diversity between the universes: the red lantern instead of the green one, the Brooklyn dodgers instead of that from L.A. Walter refuse the recreation of the doorway between universes which he had used before. This is because he knew the damage it caused on the reality fabric. His experimentation on children is due to the desire to develop a safe way between the universes so that he may be able to take back Peter. This type will unite everything.

Olivia runs from her abusive father when all of sudden for just a moment she is somewhere else completely. This episode is very rough. When we watch Peter and the parents who aren’t his parents are interacting with pain and this is brutal. The historic first meeting between Peter and Olivia is seen here. The episode is so sad. Walter has the thought that he is almost there and that he will be sending peter home. But this doesn’t happen; it falls apart. Peter is seen stranded here and Walter ends up in asylum and loses wife.

Here there is good origin of some essential plot lines. It is not believable that Olivia and Peter could have forgotten all what transpired here. Here there were very memorable events.

Journal of Fringe: Season 3, Episode 14 – 6B

It begins with apartments that are haunted and what I believed to the vanishing balcony. Walters appears to be singing about songs about pancakes and making a fancy breakfast because Olivia was coming over. This sounds awkward. Peter tries to convince Walter of his relationship with to be none of the concerns of his father. He mentions that it is a concern to two sets of universes.

Walter is very pissing; when he learns that the universe is falling apart his whole day becomes ruined. Walter wants the files of the cases and the notes from one of their first cases together. Peter apologizes when Olivia asks him why he glimmered while they kissed and says that this had never happened to him again. She feels that she has something to open up to Peter. Walter claims that there is nothing like ghost and Peter agrees that that is where they differ.

This is the episode where Peter learns the act of letting go. He convinces a woman to let go of the alternative universe version of the man she loved. I like the subplot here: the same problem faced by Walter is being faced by Walternate. Walter realize that he can use the solution of Walternate for his problem. He then comes to belive that Walternate is not as evil as he might have thought. The scenes where Peter and Olivia are together are very agonizing and awkward. They doesn’t seem to work perfect but it looks like they are forcing things to happen.

This episode has come to be cheesy and for whichever reason it may be the relationship between Peter and Olivia is not working very well. The story is very effective with the threads of the plot being very intriguing, though this it opens up some new and interesting subjects to be explored in the future.

Journal of Fringe: Season 3, Episode 13 – Immortality

It looks like Faux-livia’s relationship with her boyfriend may be becoming strained as the relationship of Peter with Olovia.

The episode opens with a scene of death which may win to be a disgusting opening death scene ever. There was vomiting which was followed by the explosion of roaches. There is realization by Alt-Brandon that Cortexiphan worked better depending on how young one is, he therefore suggested using children as the subjects for the study. Faux-livia said that Bug girls had a clash on Charlie who believed that it was because he had spiders in his blood.

As earlier believed it was wrong that there were no cockroaches on the other side of the universe. It took Lincoln three seconds to ruin the secrets of Frank about the proposition to Faux-livia. This is because he still had a crush on her however this did not seem to amaze Faux-livia. It was funny to see a person been eaten by bugs while in a car.

Faux-livia accepted the proposition which was very least expected. May be she was to change her mind later. There was also a chance that she might get murdered. There is likely to be more drama in the episode. The secretary shows up at Faux-livia’s door as she is surveying the evidence of her boy friend leaving her. Walternate says that he hopes that that wasn’t the worst time ever. Walternate says that you are the mother of my future grandchildren. He wonders why that so creepy. This episode is very fun and it goes on like a soap-opera with Bugs and Peter’s a father currently.

Journal of Fringe: Season 3, episode 12 – Concentrate and ask again

This is an intriguing episode title. It is one of the things that a magic 8 ball can say to someone. It is seen that almost William’s possessions: a copy of Dr. Spock’s childcare book. The magic 8 ball quickly makes its appearance as gag birthday gift for an executive dude-who swiftly dies in a strange and horrible way. This makes a flashback into the opening of fringe traditionally.

The culprit appears to become someone named Madison. Olivia is having an assumption that he is a man. But I bet it may turn out to be a young girl. This is due to an extra surprise creep factor. Peter gets some coffee for Olivia which shows a good gesture. The lady however notices milk in it which she doesn’t like in her coffee.When Astrid asked Walter whether she used to work for President Nixon he replies that the experience was uncomfortable because his wife used to come to him.

An agent scans the house of the suspect and claims that there is no chem. or bios. Given the stuff that they have been dealing with in the past they opted to keep their masks on.The milk in the Olivia brought about an uncomfortable moments between her and Peter. Peter ran after the suspect who was fleeing yelling the words freeze FBI. But he is not really an FBI agent and he doesn’t possess a gun. The suspect was hit by a car and was in coma for some time though Walter proceeded to question him. It became clear that an earlier guess that she was a lady became true.

Nina got right to the point for once and asked about Peter and the machine. The bowling alley guy said that whenever the frequency of Peter was vibrating at will determine how the machine will react.  I enjoyed the episode although there were some poor plotting and some dialogues were questionable.

Journal for Fringe: Season 3, Episode 11 – Reciprocity.

Walter calls the othert Olivia Faux-livia. It is a bit of disconcerting when your mere presence causes a doomsday machine to boot up. By starting to get up pretty curious as to why peter is lying to everybody about what he did in the previous night. Olivia is being nice to Peter once more. I had a thought that she was still unhappy with him for having slept with him two times in alternate universe. There is a show up of a shapeshifter in a pond with his memory drive removed. He turns out to be on a list of folks in the file of Faux-livia.

Some awkward moments as Olivia and Peter are been told they should not probably help look through the file of Faux-livia due to the details she goes into about the relationship they are having with Peter. As Olivia expresses her desire to have a shapeshifter before it’s killed and its memory deleted. Peter is seen to look very keenly into them. This would really turn a lot of this season on its head.

Walter gets the DNA for chimp in his brain therefore instead of becoming more smatter and more stable he is just going to get crazier. Olivia seems ready to try again a relationship with Peter. Which given the need for the tension and the drama means something else will have to come between them soon.

Walter was left obsessed with the bananas by the chimp DNA a fruit he normally hated. There is a creepy sexual tension between him and Nina. The episode was strange. This is because peter is getting dark and violent and secretive and its not entirely clear the reason as to why it is so.

Journal for Fringe: Season 3, Episode 10 – Firefly

There is a creepy scene at the hospital with Christopher Lloyd Yay, Doc brown! There is appropriately enough time travel which is involved. It looks like some observer took the son of this guy from the past to tell hi something. Someone sent Olivia a book which was called If you meet the Buddha of the road, kill him!. If this came from Olivia’s father it was creepy. Lloyd is playing Roscoe Joyce the keyboardist in the favorite band. Peter says that he is a hero of Walter.

Peter ordered that the book for alt-Olivia, this seems to be more creepy than a possibly of it to come from the dad. For guys who should watch and never interfere with the observers but they usually interfere with. Peter tries to make the book into present for this Olivia, but he may be making things even more worse, if that was probably possible. The story about the Roscoe meeting his dead son is pretty moving, especially in the context of the relationship between Walter and Peter.

The observers are setting something in motion that they hope will end with Walter doing something that they will disagree. This will be based on the fact that they don’t think that he has changed enough to perform the tasks. Imagine opening door by just touching them. This is more post modernism. Peter was saved by Walter. Peter was there ready to catch the firefly, which a little girl did not catch and so she stayed out trying to catch another, so her father went out looking for her, his car then skid in the rain at a spotlight and he killed a pedestrian. The observers tells Walter that they have upset the balance of things, and they must set them right. The episode is exciting.

Kaja Silverman ideas on ‘Suture’

Silverman expresses the notion about suture, that the construction of the film as a physical object portrays some kind of anxiety to the viewer. Because the image is bound on all sides by the ends of the camera, the point of view of the viewer is limited, it is reduce and fixed. And because there is stitching together of the images on the film there is stock into a series of images; a form of suturing is at play in the narrative construction.

Suturing has brought together the sequence. Suture is more than the way the images are connected. The space between the images also signifies that too. For example when we think of the two scenes in a film that occur in different settings with varied characters. The moment between is empty, there are no tissues connecting them and there are no markers to identify them.

The audience is taken from the narrative for a short while; they are put in a situation to think of “where am I?” “Who am I? What is going?” until there is a provision by the narrative of the markers to give to the audience a clue about where they have landed in the narration.

The space between the images is very significant just like the images themselves because there is a spur of response from the viewer. There is no experiencing of constant suturing when there is projection of the film because the images flash by very fast such that a human eye cannot perceive them. However the narrative sutures are very obvious and jarring almost all the times.

In the writing of the sequences in the poetry it is of essence to consider the ways in which the audience too will experience suture. When the audience is good it will fill in the blank gaps between the poems or the sections. The suturing is built into the book because the jumps are very meaningful and easy to understand.

Film is a site for multiple codes, these include the codes existing within film sound; layers which can be sloughed away, with each layer having some influence and been influenced. Silverman voices surprise that feminist theory is focused on the gaze of the male in the film but it has not turned its attention to the aural equivalent. Therefore the account comes in from the amount which is written on the female voice from the theory of the feminist perspective, most notable when the female voice is not on the screen in the film. Some types of verbal sounds dominate over others and the way in which such sounds are represented and interpreted in the film.

There is a cinematic equivalent to the psychoanalystic analysis of the projection amongst the viewers. Viewers project themselves on the screen and they are held in the apparatus of the film that pinch and thus are inserted in the technology for that purpose. At the primary level also the spectator’s perceptual relationship to the watching of the text of the film is a constant process of projections.

Voice is part of the body of the film and is created within the body; it is seen to resound throughout the body before its releasing. Voice is seen to carry be a message carrier. When we hear a mother’s or a ladies voice it a meaning in this episode. The ideas of the female voice ejaculation is conceded that it is consequently if not all intents and purposes, the as far as the women interiority is concerned with the mouth projections. The female voice is has been conformed to the role of the stunted organ that is inferior.


Feanor’s Journal, (2011) On the viewer: internet updated lastly Feb 21, 2011, 9:02 AM

Silverman, K. (1990). The subjects of semiotics USA: Oxford press

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