SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is used to strategically plan in order to evaluate the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities that a business venture or project encounters. A SWOT analysis begins by definition of objective. Strengths are defined as the characteristics of a company that play a positive role of helping a company to achieve its objectives. Weaknesses on the other hand are harmful and deter a company or business venture from achieving its objectives. Opportunities are the external conditions that aid in achievement of objectives while threats are external conditions deterring a business from achieving its objectives. This paper will discuss about the SWOT analysis carried out prior to introduction of a clinical nurse leader by the nursing organization.
SWOT Analysis of he nursing department
The aim or objective of the nursing department is to provide health care with regard to nursing in the best way possible and familiarize itself with the needs of all patients. The management of the nursing department is effected by clinical nursing organization. The following SWOT analysis results for clinical nursing organization were obtained (Huber, 2006).
Strengths of the nursing organization
It is evident that the nursing organization has highly-trained and skilled nurses who are concerned and ready to perform their duties effectively. These nurses perform their nursing roles effectively without having to be followed by their leaders. The other strength is that the nursing organization has a history of producing successful and the best nurses countrywide. These nurses are willing and committed to provide quality health care at all times. It is also evident that the nursing organization has a sense of openness, sharing and there is also commitment and confidence with the patient. The nurses have been able to win and gain the trust of their numerous patients.
The other strength is that majority of the nursing staff is familiar with additional skills like business application and marketing which form a basis of the health care system (Feldman, 2008).
The nursing organization has decided to put aside some money that will aid in the implementation of the CNL project. Moreover, the organization has trained its stuff and enlightened them on the various roles of a clinical nurse leader.
Weaknesses of the nursing organization
One of the key weaknesses is that there is inadequate nursing staff and this may have a negative effect to the nursing organization in general. The other weakness is that some of the nursing staff do not know its exact responsibilities and hence the need for their leaders to keep reminding them. The other weakness that has been observed is lack of involvement in decision making as an organization. This means that not everyone is actively involved in decision making and participation (Marquis and Huston, 2008).
The other weakness is lack of partnership with other specialists for instance physicians and other professionals. The other weakness is that the nursing organization’s information system is not modernized and there is reliability to the ancient systems of communication. The other weakness that was evident is inadequate bed capacity in the hospital wards.
There is also poor communication between the nursing organization and the rest of the nursing staff. This may deter implementation of the CNL project.
There is an opportunity for the nursing organization to organize and assign roles to each of the nurses. There is also an opportunity to organize better coordination of the various services provided by the nursing organization. The other opportunity is improvement of the bed capacity and more apartments for patients and elderly people. An international organization has promised to fund the nursing organization and this is a key opportunity for implementing the CNL project (Feldman, 2008).
There is reduced funding which may soon lead to financial constraints within the nursing organization. There is also misinformation within the nursing department regarding the role of the clinical nurse leader. The other threat is lack of knowledge on the role of the CNL and other nursing staff. Many of the employees and staff are ignorant and lack enough knowledge on the role of the clinical nursing leader. The other threat is that a greater percentage of the staff is resistant to change and hence introduction of the CNL project may prove to be a challenging task (Huber, 2006).
Feldman, H. R (2008) Nursing leadership: a concise encyclopedia.
Springer Publishing Company.
Huber, D. (2006) Leadership and nursing care management (3rd edition)
Elsevier Health sciences.
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2008) Leadership Roles and Management Functions in
Nursing: Theory and Application. Lippincott Williams & Williams.
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