Synopsis Of The Article

The article talks about product positioning during advertising. It provides three approaches to product positing in ads; there is the global consumer culture positioning, the local consumer culture positioning and the foreign consumer culture positioning. The writers analyze the effects of the three types of positioning in ads.

Local consumer cultures are cynical about a foreign culture used in ads. The global consumer culture positioning is the most appropriate in ads because it combines the ethnocentric view, or the local culture of the consumers, with the polycentric view; the foreign culture view. The article emphasizes that advertisers should have a global consumer mindedness view in placing the ads, because the product market has today grown to the global scope. Ethnocentric ads may not realize the anticipated sales for the product.

Analysis of the article based on the course topic

The article relates to the course topic in that, businesses should posses a wide world view in advertisement. The ads should not overemphasize the local or foreign culture; this may crate bias on a product and affect its sales. According to the article, it is true that many business operations have gone global, and therefore basing the advertisements on the local culture will be naïve, because this will reduce sales of the product in foreign markets. This article relates to the topic of marketing because it provides a valid advice to business to globalize their marketing endeavors. This is necessary because of globalization of markets and production. Culture is one field which businesses can use to globalize their marketing processes.


Douglas, S. P. & Nijssen, E. J. (2012). Consumer world-mindedness and attitudes toward             product positioning in advertising: An examination of global versus foreign versus local      positioning. Journal of international marketing, pp 114-132

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