Systems Deployed
In the changing business environments companies should operate very rapidly. There should de continued changes in the business to make sure it fits the current trends. Some of the areas where the companies should put emphasis on are the members of the staff. The company should make sure that the staffs are very competent to do their tasks. The competency of the staff members can only be improved by making sure that they are taken care of and they are provided with the necessary training to equip them with the necessary skills. In this paper I will discuss various issues concerning the employee productivity, staffing systems, career deployment systems and the training systems which should be deployed in companies to ensure their staffs are efficient enough.
Employee productivity
Employees’ productivity is the most important issue to the managers and the supervisors. This is because the aim of the management is to get the most out of the people they are responsible for. Employee productivity can be improved in several ways which go hand in hand with the motivation of the employees. It should however be noted that different people get motivated by different things. For example most people have though that job security, money, a good working environment will conclusively motivate the employees but this is not the case for many of the employees.
For instance some people can get motivated for having time to spend with family. Promotion to other people may lead to enthusiasm hence improved production. It is therefore key to understand the different types of the employees in the company and how they can get motivated. To understand how to motivate the employees in diverse ways in the company is important to follow the following ways.
Arrange to meet the employees in person from time to time. This will make them feel appreciated. In addition as their boss you will get to know what they value most hence it will become easy for you to handle them. You will get a chance to know their hobbies, more about their family and their needs. Their will not work if you engage all the employees in a forum to discuss.
It is essential to establish goals and objectives for the employees. This will make them to work hard so as not to be seen as failures. These goals should however be achievable, rewarding, acceptable, precise and quantifiable. Delegate duties to the employees; let them make some decisions and allow them to work under minimal supervision. This will make them feel more trusted and they will develop more sense of responsibility. By doing this it will bring more motivation and fulfillment.
The behaviors of the employees rather than their personality should be assessed. Assessment based on this should only consider what the employee does to reach the targets of job rather than what your opinion is concerning. This will instill the sense that it is only performance that will lead to recognition but not the personal opinions. Achievements of the employees should be celebrated. If the employees’ achievements are neglected they will feel frustrated and have a low opinion about the employer which will result to reduction in their productivity.
Staffing systems
In order to improve the quality of the staff members at all levels of the organization, the staffing must be of a strategic priority. The senior management needs to drive the implementation of a staffing system and hold people accountable for the results. The staffing system is a model used by those who are involved with the recruiting, screening, interviewing and the hiring of new staffs.
An effective staffing system should identify the characteristics of the ideal candidate they need. They should then go ahead and develop a system or criteria for the identification of the candidates who qualify to be their employees. There should be thorough screen of the identified candidates to make sure that they fit the positions they are to work in. Screening should continue even after the candidates have been given the jobs. Interviewing should be done by a competent personnel and it should be very fair. Candidates should be selected on merit. References given should also be contacted to make sure that the right information about the candidate is obtained. Then the hiring decision should be purely on merit. No favors should be in these decisions.
Career deployment
Being given a job is not enough; one need to develop passion in whatever they are doing. This is done by ensuring that the employees are given a chance to work in what they like most. It is essential to consider each individual position in the organization carefully then managers should entrust the employees with specific responsibilities. Every step in the careers of the individuals should play a very important role to prepare them for the next positions.
There should be clear evaluation in the steps made by the employees to build their career. There should be feedback at every step made in careers to make sure that the necessary adjustments are made. This is necessary especially when the employees are not doing well in their careers. These evaluations should be used by the management to give promotions to the employees.
There should be a chance for different employees to aim for different careers. This will help the employees to achieve what they what they may have wanted in life which is a motivation. It is also advantageous to the company in that employees will only work in the departments they are very well suited to work in which will increase their productivity.
Training systems
Knowledge in whatever someone does is very essential. One will always perform better if he is provided with the right skills than those who have not been given the right skills.
The right skills can only be given to people by offering the right training to them.
Training should be offered in a manner that does not strain the trainees.
Trainers should impart specialized knowledge to the trainees to enable them to perform better. Trainees should be specific and relating to the job type of the employee.
Training based on the work type helps the employees to become very efficient. Training perfects work done the employees hence increasing the profitability of the companies.
If employees are given tasks they have skills on they will work stress free they will work with more ease and enthusiasm.
Training should be done both within the companies and at the fares and shows where the employees will have a chance to exchange ideas with employees from other companies. This will make them more diverse.
Dreher G. F. and Dougherty T. W. (2007) Human Resource Strategy: A behavioral perspective for the general manager. USA: McGraw Hill
Forret, M.F. (2004) Networking behavior and career outcomes: Journal of organization behavior, Vol 25, pp419-437: USA: McGraw Hill
Walters, J. (2010) Positive management: Increasing employee productivity: USA: Business expert press
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