Tests: Norm-referenced tests
Tests: Norm-referenced tests
Question 1
Norm-referenced tests basically offer a comparison of the performance of an examinee in relation to that of another. A good example of a non referenced test is the standardized examinations including but not limited to SAT. On the other hand, criterion referenced tests involve the comparison of the performance o an examinee to a standard or criteria that is in one way or the other predetermined. With that in mind, both non referenced tests and criterion reference tests are concerned with a comparison with respect to the performance of an examinee.
It is important to note that the goal of norm referenced tests and criterion referenced tests differ. In non referenced tests, examinees are ranked with a goal of coming up with decisions regarding their success opportunities. Results here are used for college admission decisions. On the other hand criterion referenced tests have a goal of investigating the examinee’s grasp of a given concept or set of concepts. Results in his cases are used in certification as well as hiring decisions etc.
Question 2
Portfolios are particularly beneficial to students with regard to the evaluation of their improvement and/or abilities. Educators have over time utilized student performance portfolios as a support tool to investigate the learning process of students. Hence they are extremely beneficial to educators as an alternative to the assessment approaches that have been used in the past.
Portfolios also give educators a chance to understand as well as appreciate the learning styles of individual students in addition to meeting the professional requirements with regard to the accountability.
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