Product design does not mean the actual design of the product but the aspect of routine that is applied in the entire development of a given product. Product design of FedEx Company has helped the company to develop decision making process which other companies have not managed to make. FedEx being a transportation company has developed quite well in respect to the strategies that it has implemented ever since it started its operations. Designing products or services that are provided to the consumers is quite an important aspect simply because of the development strategies that enables the product to be quality. With decision making, managers’ uses product design concept on determining how they are required to develop required products. Most designers of product usually evaluate their product ideas which help them know exactly what they are supposed to provide at the end. FedEx knew that consumers wanted their service more urgent than the company thought and as a result they developed a 24 working strategy and in line opening some outlets which helped the distributions.

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FedEx is one of the few companies in the shipping industry that have managed to provide services to consumers. It provides transport services in different countries whereby it have developed at a high rate compared to other similar companies in the same industry. Products that are provided by the company are unique and useful to the consumers. Although transport companies are not as many in this industry, there are few competitors who compete with the firm. The company has developed a good market segment which guarantees its operations and that is the greatest strategy that the company uses. FedEx is an oligopolistic company simply because there are very few companies that have emerged to do the competition. This company is at its maturity stage simply because there are fewer competitors who have entered in the industry of competition. During the development stages of the firm, it was hard to meet all the expected services simply because of the high demand of products. The entire growth of the firm has not been so bad simply because of the firms that bring competition.

Just like any other organization, FedEx has developed a strategy on how its product development process is applied so as to reduce the cost and improve the level of its development. Since the company started when it was new, generation of new ideas have been created so as to know how the business operates. FedEx started working when transport industry was a rare task to find its market which call to development and screening the ideas. After generation of ideas the firm has developed the strategy of screening ideas which has managed the firm to reach to the implementation of required business.  When screen has been done with experts development has always been the case by management of the FedEx so as to find strategies which manages to compete with the competitors. The technicality and complex of material well just securities for you are quite a new on in. what is the impact of any given outcome of initial development strategy? Product pricing entirely turn to be the future of their organization simply because at any given time.

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